
EW Discovers Rance

mark · 06/17/04 04:23PM

This week's Entertainment Weekly catches the buzz of internet hottness barometer Reuters and their May 27th Rance article, sending an investigative reporter deep onto the front page of Rance's blog to evaluate the prevailing theories about the supposedly A-list actor's mystery diary of doom. EW's conclusions on the leading contenders are after the jump. It can't be long before he's flushed out of his Bel Air mansion with his iBook in the air as a harried assistant tries to throw a coat over his head...

Harvey Scissorhands To Slash Jobs At Miramax?

mark · 06/17/04 02:11PM

What's worse, working for Miramax or getting canned by Miramax? We all know that it's not not exactly known for being the happiest of places, but pretty soon there might be a lot fewer people for Harvey and Bob Weinstein to make miserable. A spy hears whispers inside the company that layoffs are coming soon. As in, "tomorrow" soon. And they're supposedly coming in large numbers, with 100 harried employees possibly getting the axe. But the spy was too busy to elaborate past this: "Everybody's working on their resumes. Gotta get back to mine too!" Does "ability to withstand humilation by physically intimidating studio head" count as a "Special Skill"?

DodgeBall Backlash/Ben Stiller Overexposure Watch: Even More Backlashy Overexposure

mark · 06/17/04 11:02AM

In honor of our raging hangover, enjoy this picture (taken by one our favorite, wrong-coast readers) of Ben Stiller, splayed on the pavement outside David Letterman's Ed Sullivan Theater. Really, is there nothing Stiller won't do to promote DodgeBall? Should we expect him to roll around on the carpet on Jay Leno, after insisting that the anvil-headed late night milquetoast kick him in the jewels to prove a point about how much it hurts to get racked by one of those red balls?

DodgeBall Backlash: Maybe Everyone's Just Tired Of Ben Stiller

mark · 06/16/04 05:19PM

The DodgeBall backlash continues, but now we have to wonder if this is really Ben Stiller backlash. E! Online has an entire article on Stiller's recent overexposure. complete with cute graphics measuring precisely how sick they are of him in each of his recent or upcoming films (ranging from "Still Love Him" to "Stiller Overkill.") Not that anyone listens to the folks at E! other than to craft creative deaths for Joan Rivers, but this can't be good for Stiller. When even E!, the network whose mission is to stick its fingers into the anal cavities of celebrities and tout their befouled digits as popsicles, is sick of you, maybe it's time to take a little breather.

Beware Ball Puns Flying Without Regard For Your Safety

mark · 06/15/04 01:01PM

Blogger Boi From Troy reports that celeb-frequented West Hollywood gym Crunch is going to offer "DodgeBall 101" classes as a tie-in with the movie's Friday release. We can see that first game now...the gay team on one side, clutching their balls and comparing their biceps. And the celeb team...well, probably on the same side. Crunch is going to need to import some players for that second team. Maybe the marketing visionary at Fox that came up with this idea can convince a couple of the struggling actresses working out at the gym that getting smacked in the face with some balls will be good for their career.

I'm Ben Stiller, And I Approve This Message For DodgeBall

mark · 06/15/04 12:26PM

On this morning's Howard Stern radio show, Ben Stiller phoned in to promote his new movie, DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story. Stern made him run through his entire sexual history with celebrity partners, nothing unusual there. [Ed. note—Calista Flockhart?] But notable among the rote movie-pluggery was Stiller's repeated invocation of the phrase "I stand behind this movie." Are those campaign reform laws that require political candidates to declare that they "approve this message" on their commercials creeping into Hollywood? Think of how many people could be saved from ill-advised ticket purchases if stars were required to give their explicit endorsement of their shitty movies—or the truth: "I'm Bill Murray, the voice of Garfield, and someone at Fox has video of me reenacting Behind The Green Door with five donkeys."

Blockbuster Falls Into Sherry Lansing's Lap

mark · 06/15/04 11:13AM

Security guards on the Paramount lot in Hollywood turned away a homeless man from the studio's gates, then recognized him on a newscast about the slayings of a 91-year-old screenwriter and a 67-year-old physician neighbor. What we want to know: How quickly was Paramount head Sherry Lansing trying to lock up the rights to her security guards' story, so she can massage it into a $100 million buddy picture where the unassuming guards have to act quickly to thwart a serial killer on the loose in a big Hollywood studio? This could be just what Lansing needs to save her gig in the wake of the shake-ups at Paramount parent Viacom. But who are we kidding? It's a Paramount movie, it would totally bomb.

Ex-Wife After Viggo For More Child Support

mark · 06/14/04 05:42PM

Now that Viggo Mortensen is enjoying "substantial success as an actor," ex-wife (and former X lead singer) Christene Edge, is hitting up the actor for a bigger child support payment. Naturally, The Smoking Gun has the court document in which Edge wants Viggo's contribution to balloon from $3,000 to about $18,000 a month. Let this serve as a warning to all divorced actors who pine for "substantial success": You're probably better off getting your ass kicked by Demi Moore than becoming the king of Middle Earth.

The De-Gaying Of The Bat-man

mark · 06/14/04 04:30PM

Newsweek looks at next summer's attempted resuscitation of the Batman franchise, Batman Begins. Warner Bros. is anxious to finally revive the comic book hero, but without any of that troubling leather-and-rubber [Ed. note—Gay.] fetishism that director Joel Schumacher ladeled on Batman and Robin like hot fudge at a Robert Mapplethorpe photo shoot. New director Christopher Nolan has been charged with butching up the production, but the Newsweek article is sending some mixed signals about the Caped Crusader's de-sissyfication:

Nicole Kidman Reverses The Well-Established Hollywood Jailbait Formula

mark · 06/14/04 02:20PM

According to Rush & Malloy, some New Line Cinema executives are a little skeeved by a scene in the movie Birth, in which Nicole Kidman takes a bath, sans wardrobe, [Ed. note—Naked! Who'd expect a naked bath?] with a 10-year-old boy she thinks is the the reincarnation of her dead husband. What's more, the movie reportedly has a scene in which Kidman's character and the tot—um, how do we put this delicately—suck face. Wasn't getting married to Tom Cruise enough transgression for a Hollywood career?

What, No Lasagna?

mark · 06/11/04 02:43PM

The Blueprint has this phonecam shot of today's menu at the News Cafe on the Fox lot. Nothing like some co-branded cafeteria food to get the worker drones ready for the failure of your dead-president dissing, CGI talking-cat nightmare movie. Click through to see the full pic here.