Happy Birthday

Lift up your beer and make a toast: Mr. Mario Lopez is 35 today. Others celebrating on this Friday: Jets quarterback Brett Favre is 39. At the New York Times, Stefano Tonchi is 49 and Adam Nagourney is 54. Socialite Celerie Kemble turns 35. Artist Banks Violette turns 35. Cornell's Antonio Gotto Jr. is 73. Paper's Mickey Boardman is 42. And David Lee Roth is 54. Weekend birthdays after the jump.
On Saturday: Mets pitcher Orlando Hernandez will be 43. Real estate developer Rob Speyer (and son of Jerry Speyer) will turn 39. Michelle Trachtenberg will be 23. Luke Perry will turn 43. Joan Cusack will turn 46. And Jane Krakowski will be 40.
On Sunday: Richard Meier will be 74. Richard Price will turn 59. Bryan Bantry will be 52. Katherine Farley will turn 59. Hugh Jackman will be 40. Marion Jones will be 33. Fox News' Chris Wallace will turn 61. And David Yurman will turn 66.