Courtney screams at her assistant and threw designer garments everywhere. Lindsay Lohan gets bounced at a party in Williamsburg. Matt Lauer isn't having an affair with Whitney Houston's stepsister. Kristin Cavallari shows her panties and catfights. TGIFriday gossip.

  • Courtney Love suffered a "total meltdown" at Heathrow airport, "sprawled on the floor, packing and repacking her luggage—bras and panties under people's feet.... shrieking at her assistant: 'I told you to get rid of that fucking Burberry scarf. I'm keeping the Chloe.'" On the plane, she was in first class, but periodically "screamed into coach" for her assistant. (1.) There are few humiliations worse than literally unfurling your dirty laundry at the airport, particularly if it's at the security check and everyone is watching. (2.) Do you think the Burberry scarf was that incessant signature plaid? Poor Burberry—only the worst people in the world own their signature plaid, now. [NYPost, pic via X-17 Agency]
  • Matt Lauer denies walking out on his wife after cheating on her, but his wife's mother says he did. So either Matt Lauer's lying, or he has a seriously meddlesome mother-in-law. Also, there's a rumor that Lauer's "other woman" is (possibly) Whitney Houston's stepsister Alexis Houston, who "flatly denies" the claim. [Enquirer, Hollyscoop, TMZ]
  • Lindsay Lohan got bounced from a party in Williamsburg. Sponsored by Ray-Ban. Featuring Iggy Pop. Retro? "She started arguing with the security guy and screaming for him to 'fuck off.' Finally they ushered her in through the side door." Another report adds, "Her crew [of guests] was inappropriately large," and "the other celebs ignored Lindsay. She's not someone who people are trying to be associated with right now." [P6, Gaterasher]
  • Sighting: "A schlumpy Quentin Tarantino waddling down Greenwich Avenue sporting a plumber's crack, arm-in- arm with a hefty gal." Tarantino usually irks me, but this scene of cozy obliviousness endears him. [P6]
  • Kate Hudson's and Cameron Diaz's war over A-Rod continues. Apparently it's not about A-Rod so much as "payback, pure and simple" for the time Kate banged Justin Timberlake when he was rebounding from Cam. Should've known Cameron Diaz was the kind of bitch who spits in the ice cream, so nobody can have it even after she's done. [P6]
  • Speaking of jealous exes: A "tipsy" Kristin Cavallari got into a screaming match when she saw Audrina flirting with Brody Jenner, and then "stood up quickly with her dress hiked to her waist—flashing a pair of white mesh panties!" Tipsy indeed. [Us]
  • Who leaked details from Tiger Woods' and Elin Nordegren's divorce? Tiger's lawyer says Elin's lawyer is at fault, and he sent an email to his staff: "This is the second time that we have been so accused." The email was promptly leaked to TMZ, which means, yeah, the leak is totally on their side. [TMZ]
  • When Sandra Bullock and son Louis posed for People's cover, Jesse James was there, because the photos were taken on March 9, before the scandal broke and Sandra strong-armed him into relinquishing custody. This means Sandy was planning the baby bombshell before Bombshell intervened. [TMZ]
  • Having survived his brain hemorrhage, Bret Michaels is ramping up physical therapy so he can perform again in two weeks. Crap, that's fast. Guess he's taking the "every day could be your last" approach to dealing with a near-death experience. [People]
  • Lady Gaga: Still wearing those weird heelless tiptoe boots. She'll avoid tendonitis because alien pop star subspecies don't even have tendons, just glitter, wig glue, and spanx. [JJ]