Does Tom Cruise have a crush on Jeremy Renner? Are Kat Von D and Jesse James engaged? Was Shape wrong to put LeAnn Rimes on their cover? Friday gossip is full of perplexing questions.

  • Are seemingly gay actors Tom Cruise and Jeremy Renner being gay together? That's what the National Enquirer would like you think: "They're always hugging, slapping each other on the back, and bumping fists" on the set of Mission: Impossible IV. Onlookers agree: "Jeremy is always gushing about how charming and handsome Tom is. He even says things like, 'When I grow up, I want to be just like Tom Cruise.'" So they're doing it, and it's definitely a "Daddy" thing. "Jeremy feeds Tom's ego, and Tom gets a charge out of Jeremy idolizing him." This story is only interesting if you believe the When Harry Met Sally premise that men and women can't be friends also applies to gay men (and the premise that Tom Cruise is gay, and that anyone would have sex with him), but it sure makes seeing Tom and Jeremy performing Impossible feats together more fun, doesn't it? In fact, a gay subplot might be the one twist that could make the tired Mission: Impossible series interesting again. Sidenote: The Enquirer is the publication that outed Renner, too. [National Enquirer via Celebitchy, images via Getty]
  • Celine Dion named her miracle twins Eddy and Nelson, after a music producer and Nelson Mandela. [People]
  • Kate Moss can sing? "Kate hopped onstage and surprised diners with a rendition of Gershwin's 'Summertime.'" Kate Moss can sing! [P6]

Amid speculation that most hated couple in America Jesse James and Kat Von D were breaking up, Kat trotted out a shiny new diamond ring, on her left ring finger. Time for America's most hated nuptials? [P6, image via Splash]

  • Jessica Simpson ran into ex-husband Nick Lachey at a restaurant, and openly mocked Nick's new girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo. "I hope Vanessa likes her clothes because I bought them for her, since Nick took all my money," she allegedly said, then threw back several margaritas and shots of tequila. Too bad Jess and Nick's reality show documented the most boring time in their lives, when they were happily married. [Us]
  • Speaking of gay rumors that require suspending disbelief: "Christina Aguilera's estranged husband [Jordan Bratman] issued an ultimatum to his superstar wife: Stop bringing your lesbians to our house or I'll take away our son!" Didn't we already establish that Christina's purported bisexuality was just a ploy to imitate Gaga, though?[National Enquirer]
  • Oh, and Christina's relationship with Samantha Ronson is "driving Lindsay crazy." Lohan sits around rehab and worries about it: "Sam's sister Charlotte can't stand Lindsay. Lindsay keeps saying, 'I know they all set her up with Christina to get back at me.'" Seriously, who are the sources coming up with these stories, and is Samantha Ronson paying them to portray her as the Casanova of lesbians, capable of turning straight women gay with a single glance? [Celebitchy]

The editor of Shape has apologized for the "terrible mistake" of putting adulteress LeAnn Rimes on the cover of their magazine. "Please know that our putting her on the cover was not meant to put a husband-stealer on a pedestal-but to show (through her story) how we all are human." Now LeAnn's pissed because, last she checked, Shape was still kissing her ass, which is "very contradictory." I'm on Team LeAnn. It's not her fault Shape misjudged their readership. [Us, @LeAnnRimes]

  • Camille and Kelsey Grammer's children don't grasp their parents' divorce, yet: "They still don't realize he's not coming back. They think their daddy is busy doing a play. I'm trying to work with them on the concept that he's not going to come home the way they think he is," said Camille. Good thing Camille's new reality show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, will be there to document this wonderful time in the Grammer children's lives. [People]
  • Mel Gibson has been barred from seeing his daughter Lucia on her birthday. Apparently his custody agreement with embattled ex Oksana Grigorieva requires a nanny to ferry the tyke back and forth, and Mel's nanny is sick, so they had to go back to court to argue with the judge over who gets Lucia on her birthday, and Oksana won. Family court judges get stuck dealing with the most asinine spats. [TMZ]
  • Some guy claiming to be the love child of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe definitely isn't. Better luck at your next money grab, John Burton, age 55, from Ridgewood, Queens. [NYDN]
  • Speaking of romantic speculation: "Ashanti and Nelly stay close at a listening session." K-I-S-S-I-N-G? [P6]
  • Giant quarterback Eli Manning and wife Abby are expecting their first child. Mazel tov! [P6]