Chris Brown Flies into Violent, Chair-Throwing Rage at Good Morning America

Asked about his history of violence, Chris Brown flies into a violent rage. Rob Pattinson calls Justin Bieber a liar. Bam Margera calls a girl a whale and gets punched in the face. Tuesday gossip lacks impulse control.
[There was a video here]
Chris Brown reportedly had a violent meltdown in his dressing room at Good Morning America after Robin Roberts asked about his domestic violence case, the legal repercussions of which are ongoing (Rihanna just dropped the restraining order) and which inspired his new album, F.A.M.E. ("Forgiving All My Enemies").
Brown grew increasingly churlish, and when the cameras turned off he "freaked out, storming into his dressing room and screaming so loud, the people in hair and makeup became alarmed and called security… he smashed a window in his dressing room, and the glass shattered and some shards fell onto 43rd and Broadway. ABC security tells TMZ the window was shattered with a chair." Isn't the glass on those buildings reinforced and bullet-proof? I guess a chair could do it, though. After the rage, he tweeted, "I'm so over people bringing this past shit up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bullshit," only to delete it moments later. At some point in the midst of this, Chris ripped his shirt off and exited the building with his nipples showing and tongue out. At least he didn't have his dick out. [TMZ, @ChrisBrown, images via INF and, video via Gawker.TV]
- Speaking of violent male celebrities, Michael Lohan (does he count as a celebrity?) was arrested last night for three felonies: domestic violence, false imprisonment, and preventing a report of victimization. West Hollywood police say he "showed no signs of intoxication." Shortly after the arrest, he complained about chest pains and was admitted to Cedars-Sinai. Violent rages wear on the heart. [GMA, TMZ, People, Radar]
- Charlie Sheen has agreed to undergo psychiatric examination before he is allowed near his twin sons. This should be interesting. [Radar]

Prince William and Kate Middleton have selected their horse-drawn wedding carriage! Because they live in a world where horse-drawn wedding carriages exist. If it rains, they get to ride in a glass carriage from the nineteenth century. [Us]
- Bam Margera, Jackass, got punched in the face as SXSW for saying a girl "should be in Alaska laying on an iceberg because she's a beached whale." Apparently he was out cold for seven minutes and ended up with "covered in blood" and with a black eye. [TMZ]
- Evan Rachel Wood is nervous to go naked for Mildred Pierce, a depression-era HBO miniseries that requires full-frontal nudity. She plays Kate Winslet's daughter, and it just wouldn't feel real if Kate's daughter didn't go naked with Celine Dion keening in the background, you know? [Fancast]
- Ellen DeGeneres quizzed Selena Gomez about her relationship with Justin Bieber yesterday. Ellen reminded Selena that she characterized Justin as "like my little brother" last time she was on the show: "A little brother is not someone you want to date." Selena: "Well, no, that would be weird." Unless, of course, you never wanted to date him in the first place, but got pushed into it by meddling managers and career needs, in which case it will always be weird. But that's why they invented Scientology! Nothing unburdens the soul like an e-meter. [People]
Saturday Night Live star turned Tea Party activist Victoria Jackson's reaction to Glee's gay kiss: "Did you see Glee this week? Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians—again!" How the hell did this lady ever survive in show business? [HuffPo]
- Hugh Hefner ex and reality fameball Holly Madison broke up with the boyfriend she met on Twitter. They got sick of talking in 140-character increments, I hear. [E!]
- You can listen to Britney Spears' new album here. It sounds like all her other albums, but I won't hold it against her. [AOLMusic]
- Rob Pattinson says a story Justin Bieber likes to tell about about R-Patz approaching him at a party and saying, "Hey, my name's Robert. Want to touch my hair?" is a lie. Maybe Bieber got him confused with some other wild-haired fellow who likes handsome young men to caress his head. Like, hmm, Wolverine? Graydon Carter? Leon Wieseltier? [ShowBizSpy]