Early yesterday morning—just hours after she was forced to release her new single early due to a leak—Lady Gaga tweeted an image of the cover art for her upcoming album, Born This Way.

Maybe it was the relative simplicity of the the whole thing (especially coming from an artist who's become known for being across-the-board outrageous); maybe it was the chrome-tinged, embossed font that looks like it came from WordArt; or maybe it was the fact that her head is inexplicably fused with a motorcycle. Whatever the reason, the immediate—and resounding—reaction to Gaga's latest visual effort was negative. Even many of her most loyal "Little Monsters" hated it.

Sometimes, though, at the end of a tacky, underwhelming rainbow lies a pot of gold. And sometimes, that pot of gold is in the form of the creation of a hilarious meme, the crux of which involves Photoshopping the heads of other popular female artists onto inanimate objects to create macros—Internet speak for images that are manipulated, often with superimposed text, for humorous effect—that poke fun at the absurdity of Gaga's motorcycle marriage.

In the nine images that follow the one above—which is the actual cover—you'll find the best, funniest, most random executions of the "Let's Photoshop other singers' heads onto shit in order to create their own Born This Way-esque album covers!" meme that's entertained so many this weekend. Enjoy! [Images via ONTD, Tumblr]

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