
Angelina Jolie Rides Public Transit, Ethnicity Train

Chris Mohney · 11/13/06 03:40PM

Hey there, Angelina Jolie, when you're not adopting babies or fainting all over the place, how's it going with A Mighty Heart? In the biopic, Angelina plays Marianne Pearl, wife of Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl, who was murdered in Pakistan in 2002; Dan Futterman plays Daniel. Above, Futterman and Jolie enjoy a stroll through a Mumbai train station, and it does appear that Jolie has cut down a bit on the brownface. Futterman bears a decent resemblance to Danny Pearl, though obviously a little hunked up. Apparently they weren't mobbed by local fans until they actually boarded the train, at which point bodyguards had to shoo away "young students yelling Jolie's name." Huge, huge journalism fans over there in Mumbai.

Angelina Jolie Just Window-Shopping In New Delhi

mark · 11/06/06 12:49PM

Because young Maddox Jolie did such a good job helping his adoptive mother pick out his new sister during their trip to Ethiopia last year, the tyke was allowed to accompany Mom on her latest refugee-acquisition excursion to New Delhi, where this season's hottest orphans from Myanmar and Afghanistan were on display. Little Maddie wanted to take home nearly every child the duo encountered, but Angelina patiently explained that they could add only one sibling to their family this time, because multiple adoptions would seem greedy and unnecessarily divide the attention of the tabloid press. In the end, Maddox couldn't settle on a single baby that met his mother's demanding refugee-coordinating criteria, so the Jolies left the Indian capital without further expanding her multicultural brood, hoping to have better luck on their next expedition.

Al Qaeda Renews Long-Abandoned Hollywood Terror Campaign By Threatening Pitt And Jolie

mark · 11/02/06 11:27AM

According to a report in the Indian Financial Times, Al Qaeda is even more upset about the casting of Angelina Jolie in the role of Mariane Pearl than critics who think producers could've gone a little more "ethnic" with their choice, as terror threats to the actress and charity-tagalong Brad Pitt have been deemed credible enough to warrant increased security during her stay in the country to shoot A Mighty Heart:

Angelina Jolie Ready To Send Orphan Militia Into Battle Against Alleged Embezzler

mark · 10/31/06 02:40PM

There is probably nothing sadder than watching a celebrity's good intentions, especially the kind manifested in large monetary donations made to regions that have previously proven themselves to be fertile adoption grounds, taken advantage of by those hoping to prey on their charity. Never one to be a victim, Angelina Jolie has announced that she may sue a man she alleges has been lining his own pockets with the money she sent to be dispersed to a conservation cause in Cambodia:

Short Ends: Halloweeny Odds N' Ends

mark · 10/27/06 09:42PM

· It really wouldn't be Halloween weekend on Hollywood Boulevard without posted threats warning against the illegal use of silly string. The firing of automatic weapons, however, is acceptable when a critical part of one's costume. [pictured]
Whew. For a minute there, we were worried that we* were the only ones who noticed that Jeri Ryan has huge breasts.
The dog-bites-man of entertainment reporting: South Park offends someone.
You'd think that a room full of Marines would want to party with Jenna Jameson, but you'd be wrong.
· Brad and Angelina are treating India like their private helipad. Can't they buy themselves an orphan, quickly escape to America, and stop stirring up trouble?
· Pussycat Doll hopefuls seem to have that not-so-fresh feeling.

Cate Blanchett Graciously Feigns Hysterics At Brad Pitt 'Babel' Set Antics

seth · 10/26/06 09:24PM

Sometimes, the pressures of working on a Big Important Picture get to be just a little too much; it then falls to the star to help loosen the mood of a challenging production, using anything and everything at their disposal to raise the spirits of cast and crew. And while George Clooney is considered a master of the genre, concocting elaborate ruses that can take months to unfold, his frequent Oceans co-star Brad Pitt tends to go for the easier laugh:

Short Ends: Jolie-Related Violent Incidents On The Rise In India

mark · 10/13/06 09:31PM

· A freelance photographer claims that two Indian security guards protecting Angelina Jolie on the Pune location shoot of A Mighty Heart punched and threatened him with a gun when he approached the actress. A third, American guard was also present, but apparently didn't take part in the assault or threat, demonstrating that we still have a lot to learn from our foreign counterparts about how to keep our celebrities safe from people wielding cameras.
We really don't have any idea who Sara Evans is, but apparently her husband's naked pictures and trolling of Craigslist "casual encounters" ads upset her so much that she quit Dancing with the Stars. What kind of personal mortification would it take to get Mario Lopez to withdraw?
This might have been our favorite sentence of the day: "A vice president at Core Group Marketing, Eklund, 29, has made six films under the nom de porn "Tag Eriksson," including Training Camp I and II, Desert Pick-Up 2, American Porn Star and The Hole—which is more or less like 2004's The Ring, except the voice on the other end of the phone informs you that you're gay."
Tara Reid was a particularly inspired choice for Secretary of State in Hollywood Heat's "Celebrity Cabinet from Hell."
We bid a fond farewell to friend, co-worker, and Fox assistant desk survivor Jessica Coen on her last day in the Empire. And these two posts are pretty good examples of why we're going to miss her.

Angelina Jolie's Sideswiping Incident: An Indian Perspective

mark · 10/12/06 08:54PM

By now you've probably read at least one American media outlet's report of Angelina Jolie's sideswiping of a teenager as she supposedly fled the paparazzi in India, where's she's shooting A Mighty Heart. (If not: Angelina Jolie sideswiped an Indian teenager while fleeing the paparazzi. You're all caught up.) But we find it far more interesting to look at a version of the story from the local Indian media, if for no other reason than we feel like having to puzzle through the occasional foreign word somewhat slows the usual neuron attrition associated with reading about celebrity misadventures. The Indian Express relays the firsthand accounts of both the accident victim and an eyewitness:

Angelina Jolie A Little Less Caucasian Looking Than The Day She First Showed Up On Set

mark · 10/10/06 04:57PM

Back in July, producers of A Mighty Heart deemed Angelina Jolie "ethnic enough" (a commonly used industry term applied to any actor or actress whose features and complexion are more "exotic" than those of Gwyneth Paltrow) to play Mariane Pearl, the biracial widow of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl. Today, Paramount Vantage has supplied USA Today with this "exclusive look" at how the film's make-up department went about the delicate task of transforming Jolie into a less thoroughly Caucasian-looking being. Those worried that Jolie's casting might usher in "a new generation of Hollywood in blackface" should have their fears of racial insensitivity allayed, as what we see here could really herald nothing more than "a new generation of Hollywood in bronzer and a wig* the stylist thought was 'just the right amount of kinky to pull off the half-Afro-Cuban thing.'"

Trump Shares His Interesting Thoughts On Brangelina, K-Fed, And Paris Hilton

mark · 10/10/06 11:07AM

Let it never be said that partially mummified, softball-tossing talk show host Larry King does not have sneakily impressive interviewing skills. King long ago realized that the majority of his guests would probably be inclined to share more of themselves by pampering their hindparts with his desiccated lips (it should go without saying that some kind of balm is applied prior to contact to prevent an unpleasant chafing), rather than by feebly trying to press an orthopedic shoe into their throats. On last night's show, King's ability to put his interrogee at ease was on full display, as the host somehow managed to coax notoriously media-shy real estate developer Donald Trump into sharing his opinions on a variety of
current figures of pop culture interest, first following up on his thoughts about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. On Brad: Smart guy for narrowly dodging the marriage issue! Angelina: Eh, not even that attractive:

The Academy Shall Not Overlook the Caucasian Sacrifice

Jessica · 10/10/06 10:50AM

Angelina Jolie is in India, where she's started filming on the Daniel Pearl biopic, A Mighty Heart. Jolie stars as the slain journalist's wife, Mariane, who is half-Cuban. So how does a white actress up her ethnic factor for an accurate portrayal? By sporting brownface and what appears to be a wig from the Lisa Bonet line.

Pitt And Jolie Jockey For Control Of Their Relationship

mark · 09/29/06 01:42PM

What a sweaty, trailer-swaying act of infidelity on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith has joined together, a tabloid tries to tear asunder: Today's Page Six, citing a source with intimate knowledge of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's conflicting, brood-expanding plans, insists that Pitt favors the quaintly outdated penis-in-vagina celebrity reproduction method, while Jolie finds herself nostalgic for her lazy days of infant-shopping on the black markets of the Third World:

Trade Round-Up: Angelina Jolie To Bore Crew Members With Her Feelings On Objectivism

mark · 09/21/06 02:47PM

Had she gone to college, you just know that Angelina Jolie would have been the girl conspicuously toting around her copy of Atlas Shrugged to parties just so she could go on and on about how much Ayn Rand changed her life. Now she gets her chance to live that experience on the set of a movie adaptation of the book. Grips, stay away from her at the craft services table. [Variety]
Entourage gets an official fourth-season pick-up with a 12-episode order from HBO. Spoiler alerts: Johnny Drama will seem a little gay, Turtle will spend most of the season high, and Ari will continue to be the only character really worth watching. [THR]
At yesterday's 900-member WGA unity rally, president Patric Verrone declared that "every piece of media with a moving image on the screen or a recorded human voice must have a writer. And every writer must have a WGA contract," a boldly inclusive statement probably not meant to cover people who record cameraphone videos of their drunk friends singing karaoke and post them to YouTube. [Variety]
Mel Brooks tries to prove there's no movie on his resume he's unwilling to cannibalize for a different medium, teaming with G4 for an animated series based on Spaceballs. [THR]
ABC's "Feel Thursday" campaign to publicize Grey's Anatomy's schedule shift was carefully engineered to finally drive all straight males from the show's viewership. The network anxiously awaits tomorrow morning's demographic ratings breakdowns, which should reveal how well the marketing strategy worked. [Variety]

How Brangelina Spent This Week's 'Mr. And Mrs. Smith' Residual Check: A Round-Up

seth · 09/20/06 08:56PM

Genetically flawless area do-gooders Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, perhaps swept up in the excitement of one of Jolie's euphoric bipolar upswings that not even a marathon copulation session managed to quell, have been on something of a spending spree lately. But unlike the time Jolie pulled out an AmEx Black card at a shoddily managed African game preserve and insisted on purchasing an entire herd of elephants no matter the cost, we doubt next month's credit card statement will elicit another paralyzing wave of buyer's remorse:

Aspiring Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Bodyguard/Stalker Hybrid Arrested

seth · 09/15/06 02:22PM

It's no secret that Brad Pitt and Angelina's security detail is among the most lethal and effective fighting forces on the planet. It's the kind of prestige unit Navy SEALs dream of graduating to, that they might one day join the best of the best in the stealthy stalking and neck-snapping of lurking paparazzi at Maddox's little league games. Nelson Mercado, 46, had his heart set on scoring the prestigious gig—so much so that he went so far as to masquerade as a DHS agent. He was arrested yesterday, and The Smoking Gun has the indictment:

Brad Pitt Dazzles Hard-To-Dazzle Canada: A Round-Up

seth · 09/11/06 04:37PM

There is no shortage of Big Hollywood Stars roaming around Toronto's streets for the International Film Festival this week, taking in the tidy sights and throwing around local, toboggan-adorned currency like it's going out of style. But no single celebrity has made a bigger fuss up yonder than Brad Pitt, for whom the entire country has put its contempt of all things American on hold just long enough to grovel at his architecture-loving, poverty-hating altar. A Brad Pitt at TIFF round-up:

We Don't Like It When Mommy And Daddy Fight, Part II: Brangelina Engagement Edition

mark · 09/08/06 06:13PM

A reader just sent us this cameraphone photo of the war of ideas currently being waged on the supermarket checkout racks, which immediately made us flash back to another high-minded debate that played out in the same venue last May. The truth, of course, lies somewhere in the middle, as Pitt reveals in this month's Esquire that the couple's indefinite engagement will end in a wedding ceremony only when "everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able." But that more complex sentiment isn't as easily translatable to a huge, attention-grabbing font, especially since a magazine like Esquire probably considers itself too classy to run with BRAD SAYS HE'LL MARRY WHEN GAYS CAN! cover copy.

Jon Voight Sends His Love To Grandchildren Matrix, Uhuru, and Shylock Poubelle

seth · 08/29/06 01:35PM

Angelina Jolie may be taking great pains to avoid having to see or speak to her father Jon Voight, but that does little to deter him from trying, using the somewhat unorthodox, bad-grandpa technique of sending messages of love to his daughter, son-in-law, and their pancultural grandchildren through the nearest available red carpet lens. Matters were rendered even worse when he recently offered an impromptu Happy Birthday message to Maddox, and soon confused his toddler granddaughter Zahara with a 29-year-old Columbian pop star whose most recent album is called "Oral Fixation Vol. 2."