Today we have a songstress with a hairy stomach, an actor with an eating disorder, a self-conscious starlet, and a socialite who's secretly broke and selling off her jewels to stay afloat.
Today we have an actor hooking up two with not-so-lovely lasses, two actress friends who like to do coke together... a lot, a teen doin' it with a 50-year-old, and a flailing singer.
Today in cathartic speculation about the private lives of others: an "A-list hunk" smacked by a lady who's not a coke whore, an actor lying about his age, and a flirty TV news personality:
Today we have an offender of Judaism, a mean actor who got served, a ruined hotel room, an off-putting photography hobby, and a celebrity deliberately gaining weight.
On this frigid spring morn we have an actor whose ladyfriend is addicted to cocaines, but he's none the wiser, an actress who tends to throw up her food, and a model who likes people.
Today we have a mom-dodging heartthrob, an actress who's kinky on and off screen, a cheating actor, and a confused old model who thinks she's on the cover of every magazine.
Private things you'll discuss publicly today: a ratlike fashion editor, a cokey former tabloid editor, a star's cheating husband, a gay TV icon who likes pee, and an OCD celeb:
Today we have actors who like doing sex with people. One actor doesn't mind if you're married, two others would like you to be porn stars. Also, a House death and something about perfume.
Today we have a marriage of convenience, credit stealing hip hoppers, a young couple having public sex, a washed-up actor with a fetish, and a frustrated reality star.
Today we have a football player who can drank, a skeezy casting couch situation, an STD-riddled TV actor, and a PA fed up with covering for his cheating boss.
Today we have a poorly-endowed hip hip star, a cocaine crazed Brit, a cocaine crazed American, and a singer/actor couple who want to make a (sure-to-be-terrible) movie together.
Today we have a cheating actress, a new and terrible diva, three ladies doing drugs, a strange casting decision, a couple on the rocks, and a desperate-for-gay-attention model.
Today we have a singer's broke husband, a not-so-rehabbed starlet, a secretly gay music industry player, fucked up kids from fucked up things, long ago, and a broke actor.
Today we have a chivalrous rapper, a Special K-addicted comedian, an old-timey Oscar winner who's doin' it with a 20-year-old, and a model pretending to be gay.
Today we have a celebrity Apprentice who's a complete drunk, a singer with a foot fetish, a pill-popping actress, and a gigolo who went from men to women.
Today we have a model who got burnt, a hook-hiring hunk, an actor who is secretly broke, another actor choosing between friends, and two young stars who like to get really, really high together.
Today we have a plastic surgery-riddled pop star, a star who steals everything that's not bolted down, a movie belittled because of its tween status, and and 'Old Hollywood' star who sold LSD.
Today we have a closeted jack-off (or something), a Scrooge-like celebrity woman, a call girl struggling actress, and the worst blind item ever written by humans. (Not monkeys, Delonas!)