Today we have a celebrity with a terrible pickup line, an actress whose boyfriend thinks they're dating but she says they're really not, and a reality star who had sex parties in high school.
Today we have an unwitting star of a sex tape, a rocker and/or roller who threatened someone with a right bottling, a guy who's just a gigolo, and a terrible cocaine story involving children.
As David Carr's enjoyable New York Times awards column, The Carpetbagger, winds down for the season, he leaves us with two unanswered blind items. Who are the 20-year-old-eating showbiz mogul and the benevolent-turned-slightly-wicked producer?
Today we have several stories from the Oscars, tales of bitchery and druggery and asshole actor behavior. We also have a terrible misogynist, an aviation exec gone bad, and a plastic surgery.
Today we have an Oscar honoree stepping out on his wife, a diva being a diva, coked-out actresses and reality stars, and some bitchy B-lister saying mean things at fashions shows.
Today we have a "too white" TV personality, a drugged out actress, a nice rock and/or roller, an actress desperate to lose weight, and a nasty divorcing couple.
Today we have a TV actor with a violent streak, a celebrity into "magic" things (drugs!), an actress begging and panhandling outside Fashion Week, and a secret marriage.
Today we have a dirty Berlin casting couch, a fashionista with a cocaine rider in her contract, a rockstar's public threesome, a wicked family secret, and two actors who did it... to each other!!!
Today we have a comedian who's into the butt stuff, an It Girl who's purging in restaurant bathrooms, and a quirky actress who is secretly dealing with a drug problem.
Today we have several crumbling relationships. A chef stepping out on his wife A wife cheating on her husband. And a power couple about to get divorced. And so soon after Valentine's Day.
Today we have a hair-losing celebrity, a mean ol' drunk, a bumbling singer, a secret Whopper-eating vegetarian, and an actress blackmailed with a drugs tape.
Today in shockingly vague celebrity gossip: a "disturbed loser" with a kinky ex, a divorcing TV actress, a singer who enjoys sex, and an actress who wants publicity. Get right out of town!
Lord knows that NBC head Ben Silverman hardly needs another reason to fire another VP, but at least this one's creative: someone's hiring hookers on the corporate card!