
Targeting the Hipster-Douchebag Demographic

Jessica · 01/23/06 04:26PM

You know how when you were a teenager, your parents would occasionally try to pick up your youthful slang so that they'd seem just slightly cool? At least their efforts came from the heart (they wanted you to love them, after all) and were for the greater good, rather than the ultimate evil. Regarding the latter:

Remainders: Frank Bruni, Super Sleuth

Jessica · 01/11/06 06:10PM

Times foodie Frank Bruni's cutting investigation into restaurants discovers the unthinkable: you will spend money, often more than you originally intended. We're grabbing a Pulitzer nomination form right now. [NYT]
• Perhaps The Source should have gone looking for a new accounts manager before their landlord booted their broke asses. [MB]
• A very odd and possibly sad sighting of Radar's widower Maer Roshan. [PX This]
• Former councilwoman Margarita Lopez crowns Mayor Bloomberg an "honorary lesbian." We always knew he had a little bulldyke in him. [Politicker]
• Yet another theory on James Frey's FTBSITTTD tattoo, this one with as powerful a message as they come. [TMN]
• Our society has finally come to the point where a young, helpless woman will sacrifice her ladyflower for a fucking videogame system. Score one for those Left Behind-type freaks. [Craigslist]

Remainders: All the Crap That's Fit to Link

Jessica · 01/04/06 06:00PM

• Go forth, little mischief makers, and make your own subway sign — just because you can. [Subway Fun]
• If you read that Times article about a month ago about the magically irritating converted schoolhouse shared by a bunch of creatives in Bushwick and thought, "Hey, that's neat," now's your chance to move in. You're an idiot, but, hey, we're not judging. [Craigslist via Lindsayism]
• How she gets the scoops: Daily News gossip girl Jo Piazza is a kissing bandit. [NYO]
• Three of the top seven most emailed Times articles pertain to macaroni and cheese, and yet we wonder why America is the land of the obese. [NYT]
• Only the brave should listen to the new Kevin Federline track. We, as we've noted before, are total pussies. Knock yourselves out, though, and tell us how it goes. [Yahoo! Music]
• Whether or not author JT Leroy is real, at least the experience of figuring him out is decidedly surreal. [Guardian]

MTA Strike: Blackface Jesus to the Rescue

Jesse · 12/22/05 01:33PM

Can't understand how the transit workers and the MTA could finally break through their impasse and come to a deal on a new contract? Someone on Craigslist has the answer, naturally:

Strike Sex Gets Charitable

Jessica · 12/22/05 08:56AM

It's day three of the world's most goddamned annoying strike on earth, and everyone's beyond exhausted. Not content to let the Red Cross be the sole purveyor of goodwill, the fine folks at Craigslist (your Official Source for Fucked-Up Transit Strike Information©) are doing their part:

The Dulcet Sounds of Racial Harmony

DAULERIO · 12/21/05 10:30AM

On Craigslist, the transit strike has done wonders to showcase the tolerant, progressive side of both TWU supporters...

MTA Strike: Investigative Reporting, Craigslist Style

Jesse · 12/20/05 01:20PM

Oddly enough, not everyone on Craigslist today is using it to search for strike sex. Some are using it, instead, to make political points. Like in this terse message, posted late this morning:

Everyman Speaks Out on the MTA Strike

Jessica · 12/20/05 09:06AM

We know you're annoyed at the transit strike, but what, we wonder, do the common, late-night Craigslist trolls think of the situation?