Mold Star Motel: What Type Of Rejected Gawker Commenter Are You?
abalk2 · 03/26/07 01:05PM
Each week, thousands of reader comments are rejected by our sharp-eyed hall monitor Intern Kaila. In this installment of Mold Star Motel, Kaila recognizes that there are identifiable patterns, repetitions — nay, archetypes - for rejected commenters, and that maybe, just maybe, we can see a little bit of ourselves and our tendencies in some of them. See if you stack up:
Gold Star Motel: Stumped
Emily Gould · 03/23/07 05:05PM
Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re:Let Jason Calacanis Make YOU A Famous Blogger
• Jason Calcanis:
" would just like to add that impossible is nothing, and that you should never let people hold you back. If someone tries to tell you that you can't be an A-list blogger cross them out of your life—never speak to them again.
It will also help if you keep yourself physically fit—a strong body equals a strong blog post.
best regards,
(currently bench pressing 80 pounds with a 16MPG ping pong serve that you will not be able to return)"
Gold Star Motel: A Cloak Of Eternal Youth
Emily Gould · 03/16/07 04:20PMGold Star Motel: Fist Me On Christmas Morning
Emily Gould · 03/09/07 04:33PMMold Star Motel: Sleep Well, Fluffball
abalk2 · 03/02/07 12:40PM
Each week, thousands of reader comments are rejected by our sharp-eyed hall monitor Intern Kaila. In honor of today's closing ceremonies for an American icon, we have selected some of the most interesting rejected comments concerning the late Anna Nicole Smith. Please bear in mind that all these comments are real, and that individuals actually sat down and typed them out, sometimes even spell-checking them first. We may mock our regular commenters on occasion, but you guys are positively Shakespearean compared to these folks. Take a look:
Gold Star Motel: Tastes Like Obligation
Emily Gould · 03/01/07 03:49PMGold Star Motel: Naked Britney Singing About India
Emily Gould · 02/23/07 05:40PMGold Star Motel: Bitch Still Got Her Cake
Emily Gould · 02/16/07 06:20PMGold Star Motel: Big Bag of Emos
Emily Gould · 02/09/07 05:25PM
Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re:Win a Valentine's Day White Castle Date with The Assimilated Negro!:
• ADM:
"that particular white castle is not that edgy. i don't even think they have a buzzer for the bathroom."
Re: Meet Your New Friend Flip:
• ediebeale:
"I just got molested in my mouth by Doctor72 a little."
Gold Star Motel: Thin White Dyke
Emily Gould · 02/02/07 03:00PM
Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re: Things We Learned From The Glamour "Success at 20, 30, 40" Panel
• PhineasPoe : "When did Mary Cheney start looking like Thin White Duke-era Bowie?"
Gold Star Motel: White Converse And No Pubic Hair
Emily Gould · 01/26/07 01:30PMGold Star Motel: Guess Who's Coming To Denver?
Emily Gould · 01/19/07 04:00PMGold Star Motel: Drunk Chick Hot
Chris Mohney · 01/12/07 04:45PMGold Star Motel: Sweet Sausage
Chris Mohney · 01/05/07 04:25PMGold Star Motel: Surreptitious Orgasm
Chris Mohney · 12/29/06 11:30AMGold Star Motel: Special All-Gabe Edition
Emily Gould · 12/22/06 10:13AM
Each week, a reader comment per day is selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. But this week was Hanukah, so we decided to only consider comments on Gabe-related posts. Standards of excellence are still, as usual, arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re: Gawker Pinup Gallery
worst_1_yet: "I was wondering how long it would take to make the post asking "How Much Ambien Do I Need to Off Myself?" look positively principled by comparison, but I think I've got my answer."