
Remainders: New York Likes It Hot 'n Nasty!

Jessica · 06/15/05 05:40PM

· In all of NYC's years, yesterday's heat and your love of A/C resulted in the second-highest demand for electricity ever — and yet your armpits were still irreparably damaged. [NYDN]
· Wait, blogs can get you fired? Fuck. Don't tell our boss we've got one, okay? [USA Today]
· Apparently, that Off Track Betting with the stinky crackheads jittering out front smells just as bad on the inside. [Oddjack]
· Be the Katie Holmes to his Tom Cruise, won't you? [Craigslist]
· If there's anyone who knows the ins and outs of a freak show, it's Stephen King. The master speaks on the ultimate freakfest, Michael Jackson and the media. [EW]

Ain't No Capitalism Like New York Capitalism

Jessica · 06/08/05 08:07AM

Overheard in New York, the site that admirably attempts to chronicle the various absurdities one hears amongst our island's sweaty masses, perfectly articulates the New York market with three separate quotes from buyer's paradise:

The Poo Whose Name Shall Never Be Spoken

Jessica · 05/18/05 07:57AM

In an attempt to shatter the barrier of silence surrounding the inevitable-but-taboo bowel movement at one's place of employment, Work magazine gives an anecdotal account:

Greg Gutfeld: Showing London What Time It Is

noelle2 · 04/28/05 11:24AM

For this week's installment of "Rock and a Hard Place", The Black Table interviews Greg Gutfeld, editor of Maxim UK and the magazine industry's answer to "Puck" from Real World: San Francisco. With BT's A.J. Daulerio, Gutfeld discusses his bitch-titties, whether he really sent Radar s Maer Roshan a box of turd, and characterizes the competition: