
Does Landing The Cover Of People's 'Most Beautiful' Issue Come With A Curse?

Molly Friedman · 04/30/08 02:00PM

Today, People has revealed that Kate Hudson will appear as the cover girl for their 2008 Most Beautiful People issue, and we'd certainly like to send out a hearty congrats to the recently divorced single mom who's currently nursing Owen Wilson back to health. But after taking a look back at the list of stars who've previously nabbed the annual issue's cover spot, we fear there may be a curse accompanying the glossy honor. Sure, Leonardo DiCaprio (1998) and Julia Roberts (2000, 2005) haven't slipped up since having their smiley visage top the list, but a sizeable chunk of the winning alumni eerily saw their public and private lives undergo a downward spiral following their appearance on the issue's cover. We took a closer look at the possible curse-laden honor after the jump:

Princess Leia Played With Han Solo's Light Saber

Ryan Tate · 04/29/08 06:00AM
  • Carrie Fisher so totally did have take a ride in Harrison Ford's Millennium Falcon during the filming of the Star Wars movies. Fisher: "Once I left the room and came back and he was in the closet not wearing a lot of clothes." The Sun headlined their story, "Carrie: I gave Ford Obi-Wan." [Sun]

The Jennifer Aniston Dating Game: Fun Like 'Go Fish' Or Depressing And Endless Like 'Monopoly'?

Molly Friedman · 04/28/08 11:35AM

When news that Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer got together for a "touchy, feely" lunch date and dinner in Miami over the weekend broke, the entire community of celebrity observers and glossy magazine readers let out a big ol' collective yawn. Aniston has been linked to (and we're roughly estimating here) seven hundred or so possible paramours since her split with Brad Pitt, and Mayer has pulled what Liz Phair would call the all-too-common "fuck and run" on so many starlets that he earned Us's "Cad of the Year" award. But just because the gossip is yawnworthy doesn't mean there isn't a larger issue here: mainly, is Aniston really dating or trying to date all these guys-of-the-month, or is this charade her publicist's idea of spinning her post-divorce life into an unglamorous version of Sex And The City?

Amy Winehouse's New Man To Solve All Her Problems

Ryan Tate · 04/28/08 05:44AM
  • Amy Winehouse went on a rampage of terror last week, headbutting and punching people, getting high in the street and stiffing her cabbie. But the addict/singer also made out with some random guy, and maybe that's why she now has a new man named Alex Haynes, who works for Winehouse's manager, and doesn't look nearly fierce enough to handle his insane new girlfriend. Winehouse's mom thinks he's great because Haynes is always "popping out to buy cigarettes, papers, anything she wanted." Other people point out that buying whatever Winehouse wants is maybe not in the singer's best interest.

Has Jennifer Aniston Been Spending Some Time With Dr. 90210?

Molly Friedman · 04/23/08 06:45PM

One of the all-time most popular extracurricular activities for aging actors and actresses in Hollywood is to head out to the doctor's office on a sunny day and have a little work done. And who are we to judge? But in recent years, Tara Reid-esque fake boobs and Janet Jackson-esque tummy tucks have fell out of fashion. It's now trendier to go in for more subtle nips and tucks and, according to sources, Jennifer Aniston may be a high-profile example. A recent OK! piece praised the newly youthful looking star, though much of their gushing is laced with surgical "experts" who seem certain Jen's new face has gone under the knife a few more times since her whole "deviated septum" issue:

In Refreshing Change, Naomi Campbell Only Hurls Racial Slurs

Ryan Tate · 04/09/08 06:03AM
  • Apparently Naomi Campbell called arresting police at Heathrow "fucking white honkeys" and called one officer a "white ****." I actually have no idea how to fill in the stars in "white ****." But if the Sun, of all papers, is censoring it, it must be pretty bad. And yet still far better than a mobile phone traveling at 100mph. [Sun]

All Aboard The Jennifer Aniston/Orlando Bloom Rumor Train!

Molly Friedman · 04/02/08 11:20AM

Maybe there's no need to feel sorry for Jennifer Aniston after all. Despite the tear-drenched interviews post-Brangelina, the constant inductions of Chosen Ones, and all the hits and misses when it comes to on-set dating, Jen may not have to spend her spare time on-set chatting up whoever happens to be standing next to her in line at the craft service table. Several reports claim that Orlando Bloom spent his Friday night flirting with Aniston at a party thrown by Hollywood hairdresser to the stars, Ken Paves. But as you might recall, this isn't the first time Orlandiston sparked rumors. Back in October, the pair were spotted in Mexico sharing the same veranda in skimpy swimwear (pictures after the jump)...

Jennifer Aniston To Launch New Production Company, Armed With Revenge Fantasies And Cinematic Sneak Attacks

Molly Friedman · 04/01/08 01:15PM

As Jennifer Aniston announced her plans to launch a new production company called Echo Films with longtime producing partner Kristin Hahn (formerly partners with Aniston and Brad Pitt at Plan B), we couldn't help but notice a running theme associated with the majority of their projects in the works. It seems that recent disses from Angelina Jolie and those gushy rumors in all the weeklies claiming she's fallen for (yet failed to nab) co-star after co-star have inspired Echo to pursue production of a number of Women Seeking Revenge Against Men themed films. These flicks will provide Aniston with the opportunity for Aniston to use the power of cinema to address everyone in Hollywood who has labeled her as a Pity Party Girl. After the jump, we take a closer look at the projects they've lined up to get a sense of what kinds of stories Aniston wants to tell moviegoers.

Judy Greer Forced By Movie Producers To Dye Her Hair In Deference To Jennifer Aniston

Mark Graham · 03/27/08 07:12PM

Judy Greer has been orbiting around stardom for the better part of the last 10 years. And although she's had a couple of delicious supporting turns over the years (13 Going On 30, Adaptation, Jawbreaker), she's never quite broken through into the leading lady category ... until now. Ashton Kutcher picked her to be the lead of his new ABC comedy, Miss Guided, and now the lovely and talented Miss Greer is getting her first taste of hitting the promotional circuit as a star. And guess what? She's eating it up. She was as giddy as a school girl during her appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman last night, but also managed to rein in her emotions enough to tell Dave a funny story about how she's still forced to endure some of the humilities that the Hollywood machine puts second fiddles through.

Jennifer Aniston Begins To Find the Upside Of Her Divorce

Douglas Reinhardt · 03/18/08 06:00PM

You know, I neither want to nor have to hang out with a bunch of kids all day. With their sticky hands, runny noses and always wanting to listen to The Wiggles. It'd be so overwhelming. Kids. Always needing to be entertained. Anyway, now I can just go to the beach and just hang out or shoot off to Greece for a month after a movie wraps and just zone out. The single life is where it's at. Now go fetch me a daiquiri, Mr. Vin Diesel lookalike. Mama's thirsty.

Not Every 'Hot On-Set Hookup' Turns Out Like Brangelina, You Know

Molly Friedman · 03/07/08 02:21PM

While AOL has put together a rosy list of the "hottest on-set hookups," complete with lusty make-out pictures and lovey-dovey tales from between the sheets, we feel obligated to point out that not every "hot" and heavy on-set romance leads to a fairy tale ending. In fact, a few of these couples' choices to get busy in between scenes wreaked havoc on both their personal and professional lives, leading some to lose their spouses, their reps and, in Angelina Jolie's case, a tattoo or two. We put together our own list of the top five most ill-fated on-set hookups, mainly to remind these bed-hopping stars that sometimes it's best to just say no to illicit trailer sex.

Mark Graham · 02/27/08 09:24PM

We rarely print email tips verbatim here at Defamer without the appropriate level of contextualization. However, in this instance, we find ourselves rendered speechless (wordless?) by the sheer insanity of this communique that came across the wires last night (something having to do with "braddd Pitt" and "Jen aAniston"). Anyone who wants to take a crack at either deciphering the contents of this missive or guessing who the author might be (full-sized image complete with 30pt. type after the jump), please feel free to do so in the comments. Meanwhile, we'll be busy changing our locks.

Heavily Hyped Showdown Between Aniston and Jolie Fails To Materialize

Molly Friedman · 02/27/08 04:47PM

Poor Jennifer Aniston. After mustering up the courage to show up to a pre-Oscars party where she was supposed to finally come face-to-face with her man-stealing rival Angelina Jolie, the rug got swept out from under her when Jolie failed to show up for the event. But the glossies seem to be getting the angle all wrong. While Us paints Aniston as the victim (their hed: "Angelina Jolie continues to keep the power over Jennifer Aniston"), we have to disagree with their hypothesis. The tabs have relentlessly portrayed Aniston as a helpless single gal who can't catch a break, but the sheer fact that she dared show her face proves once and for all that Jen finally grew a pair. After all, for all Jolie's pre-show talk, when the time came for long-hyped matchup to go down, Angie couldn't walk the walk.

Owen Wilson Gets Back To Work, But Not That Hard

nickm · 02/20/08 06:35PM

Prepare yourselves, Drillbit Taylor fans — Owen Wilson is ready to act again. Today's announcement marks his first trip in front of the camera since that unfortunate incident about six months back that put a temporary halt on his thespianic pursuits. So what kind of challenging role is the newly-refreshed Butterscotch Stallion gonna sink his teeth into? How does a lazy blonde slacker who has possible stoner issues grab you? Oh, wait, you mean to tell us that it sounds like every other performance he's ever given? Never fear, we assure you this time it will be different. For this time, he'll be acting with a dog!

More Topless Celebrities!

Richard Lawson · 02/20/08 12:53PM

US Weekly, chroniclers of the great celebrity experiment, have responded to Lindsay Lohan's recent nude pictorial in New York magazine with a little gallery showing some of the more famous examples of celebrities going topless for magazines. Now, now! Hands off your belt buckles, boys. They only show the covers of upstanding magazines. So think Jennifer Aniston being coy on a bed for GQ, not Drew Barrymore tweaking a nipple for Playboy. It's interesting how many repeat players there are. Maybe once you've done it the first time, you'll just keep pullin' 'em out at the sound of a camera flash. (Oh, a warning: there's a Britney Spears pap shot that really should never have existed in the first place, let alone be looked at.) [US] After the jump, one of the more iconic topless celebrity movie scenes. (Surprisingly SFW!)

Another Day, Another On-Set Romance For Jennifer Aniston

Molly Friedman · 02/19/08 04:25PM

Have things really gotten so rough for Jennifer Aniston that she's gone from dating cokehead models to taking movie roles just so she can date the leading man? That's what this article on Jen's new relationship with Traveling co-star Aaron Eckhart seems to be implying. According to the Daily Mail, Eckhart "personally requested Aniston for the part...and Jen's entire reason for doing this movie was Aaron." Before we got carried away imagining the potential for very cute little blonde Ecklets with rhinoplastic trust funds, we tried to figure out if this "rumor" had any substance.

Serene Britney Spears Doesn't Know Why You Keep Offering Advice

Ryan Tate · 02/18/08 07:58AM