• Fashion student Andrea Feick, 19, met U2 singer Bono in a club on the French Rivieria, met up with him later in St. Tropez, walked on the beach with him, posed for a picture in a bikini from his lap and rode on his yacht. She can't believe anyone would insinuate they might be more than friends. He's "much older than I am!" Think that will work on Bono's wife? [Mail]
  • Madonna was said to be in "full meltdown mode" amid her pending divorce from Guy Ritchie but still planning a trip to Malawi with alleged lover Alex Rodriguez and still attending Kabbalah meetings with her kids.
  • There's talk of a biopic about Britney Spears' meltdown of a year. [Showbiz Spy]
  • Jennifer Aniston was seen having dinner with Anna Wintour crush Gerard Butler. Same place where she rekindled with John Mayer. [P6]
  • Someone is shameless rifling the trash of Greenwich Village celebrities. That's what you get for leaving it where Graydon Carter can find it. [P6]
  • Lindsay Lohan's publicity-hound father is sorry he said her girlfriend Samantha Ronson was "hideous," "disgusting," etc. He has learned that "family matters should be kept private," which is why he told New York all about his recent communication with Lindsay. [New York]