
How to Be Cool at the L.A. County Morgue: A Guide by Lindsay Lohan

Maureen O'Connor · 10/31/11 12:18PM

On her first two days of community service at the L.A. County Morgue, Lindsay Lohan was late, alienated morgue authorities with extravagant food orders, and carried $4,000 worth of designer purses. But her most recent day at the morgue was more successful! Our favorite legally-challenged ingenue is finally getting the hang of it, and is even—dare we say?—popular at the morgue. How does she make it work?

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 10/30/11 09:19PM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.

Celebrity Halloween Costume Time Has Begun

Lauri Apple · 10/30/11 04:38PM

The celebrities have begun trickling out of their castles, mansions, and forest lairs to host or hit up Halloween parties, collect their high-calorie holiday booty, and inspire jealousy-driven shut-ins like us to mock their outfits.

Tech Welcomes Leonardo DiCaprio's Supermodel Ex

Ryan Tate · 10/26/11 01:59PM

First Ashton Kutcher, then Leonardo DiCaprio, and now Bar Refaeli. The Israeli supermodel is helping to complete the tech industry's co-optation by pretty people now that she's taken a stake in an Israeli underwear e-tailer.

Behold the Prohibition Splendor of the New Great Gatsby Movie

Brian Moylan · 10/24/11 02:36PM

Australian director Baz Luhrman, who never met a quick cut, flashing light, or Botox-deadened Nicole Kidman forehead he didn't like, started filming his adaptation of The Great Gatsby in September. But what is it going to look like?

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 10/23/11 11:16PM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.

Kim Kardashian's Husband Ditches Ring and Moves Out

Maureen O'Connor · 10/21/11 10:55AM

Why did Kris Humphries ditch his wedding ring to carry moving boxes? Shiloh Jolie-Pitt and Kingston Rossdale might be in love. Dina Lohan is shopping a memoir. Kanye's Occupy Wall Street outfit was worth more than $30,000. TGIFriday gossip.

Anna Wintour Has Some Very Awesome Travel Habits

Brian Moylan · 10/20/11 01:14PM

The second worst part of flying (after having to take your shoes off at security) is that everyone dresses like slobs. Not Vogue scarecrow-in-chief Anna Wintour. She changed twice for a six-hour flight from New York to L.A. yesterday and even got special treatment at the airport.

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 10/16/11 11:30PM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 10/09/11 08:31PM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.

The Most Arnold Schwarzenegger-y Moment Ever

Maureen O'Connor · 10/07/11 04:45PM

In a sleepy Austrian hamlet today, a hulking superhuman lovingly caressed the buttock of a grotesquely muscled 8-foot-tall bronze state of himself.

Blake and Leo Split Up

Maureen O'Connor · 10/04/11 12:58PM

Breaking break-up news! Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio confirm that, after five months of heavily photographed Monte Carlo yacht parties and romantic strolls in Venice, they have split. So long, Bleo. You never even walked a red carpet together, Blardo. [Us, image via Bauer-Griffin]

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 10/02/11 10:12PM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.

Play Date of the Century: Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani

Maureen O'Connor · 09/26/11 06:51PM

Behold, a play date that will make a thousand social-climbing mommies seethe with envy: Angelina Jolie brought her brood to Gwen Stefani's London home today, for a play date and dinner. Looks like Kingston and Shiloh got into one of their moms' makeup kits?

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 09/25/11 10:55PM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.

A Starlet's Guide to Dealing With Upskirt Photographs, Featuring Upskirt Photographs

Maureen O'Connor · 09/25/11 04:01PM

Royal horror: Pippa Middle got into an upskirt photo situation at London Fashion Week. Now, the simplest way to avoid an upskirt photograph is to wear longer skirts or pants. (Or live in a world with civility. Hah! Right.) Unfortunately, starlets live in a world where the skirts are short, the cars are fancy and difficult to climb out of, and cameras are everywhere. Consequently, starlets' vaginas are in perpetual peril. How do they deal with this? Now presenting the Seven Highly Effective Habits of Starlets With Cameras Pointed Up Their Skirts.

The Week in Celebrity Snapshots

Matt Cherette · 09/19/11 03:01AM

Every day, celebrities across the world are followed and photographed by the omnipresent paparazzi, often to entertaining results. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past week.