
Which Lesbian Actress' Fake Husband Is Demanding More Money?

Richard Lawson · 09/23/08 08:57AM

From yesterday's items you guys totally thought the overly-botoxed reality show judge was Nina Garcia, which would make sense. Though does she have a second show? And you thought that the squeaky clean actress with hardcore drug past was Anne Hathaway, which was my guess too! Let's see if we agree on today's, which feature a singer about to be dumped, a lesbian's fake husband who's demanding more money, a mysteriously perfect-looking Emmy attender, and a talk show host who wants to be a reporter and a reporter who wants to be a talk show host. 1) "Which sweet singer is on the verge of being dumped by her boyfriend? The paranoid girl has been following him home and sifting through his phone for raunchy messages." [Mirror] 2) "I will admit that this fake marriage lasted longer than I thought it would, but all good things must come to an end. Seems as if our B list television actress on a hit network drama just can't keep pretending to keep a man. The lesbian that refuses to come out of the closet is trying to convince the world that she is straight. Our actress has been in this space before when her last beard left her. This time she tried to convince us all by getting married, but no one is really buying it, least of all her fake husband who wants a raise." [CDaN] 3) "Who almost skipped the Emmys because of a bruised and battered face? This actress wanted to look her very best when on stage. However, the marks from her recent plastic surgery were still very obvious. A desperate search for a makeup artist and hair expert specializing in concealing scars and bruises ensued, and the star wound up looking perfect. Some say a little too perfect." [BlindGossip] 4) "Which two television stars will practically be trading places? One is a outspoken woman who has exhausted her stay as a talk show host and wants to try working in more of a journalistic capacity for one of the cable news channels. The other is a news reporter who wants a network talk show that will have a softer and broader focus than her current area of hard news expertise. Both are in active negotiations to achieve their respective goals." [BlindGossip]

Which 'Squeaky Clean' Actress Has a Hardcore Drug Past?

Richard Lawson · 09/22/08 08:58AM

What a weekend! Such lovely weather and so many big events and lots of stars did things secretly enough to merit blind items. After the jump we have a reality show judge with bad Botox, an unliked guest star starlet, a lesbian nanny, a former druggie starlet, a private school with Wall Street worries, a star with pee on his shoes, and an angry divorce. 1) "Which reality-TV judge was absent from two of her top-rated shows because she had a bad reaction to Botox? Spies said the fashionista's face 'swelled up like a cauliflower'" [P6] 2) "Which stunning TV actress can't stand the Hollywood starlet who's guest-starring on her show? The series' main character "is furious" at her co-star, who always shows up late and has friends hanging around the set." [P6] 3) "Which new Hollywood mommy is so worried her husband will cheat on her that she insisted their housekeeper/nanny be a lesbian?" [P6] 4) "Which supposedly squeaky-clean starlet was a big fan of some pretty hardcore drugs back in college? Her favorite tagline is, 'Wow, the drugs in Hollywood are so much better than what we used to get.' Of course, all the evidence of her hard partying has been erased. Once she hit the big time a couple of years back, her publicist made the rounds of her pals and bought up all the photo evidence of her former fun." [NYDN] 5) "What private school has sent out e-mails to parents who may have lost everything in the Wall Street crisis asking if they need financial aid?" [NYDN] 6) "Which star was fuming when a drunk reveler peed on his shoes? He popped out for a cigarette during a London Fashion Week party when the man soiled his suede shoes." [Mirror] 7) "This C list actress who really has always done television and was on a very hit drama has B list name recognition. Well she and this a-hole former C list teen actor and now all around douchebag have started dating. If that wasn't bad enough, she's pregnant. I can't believe he is reproducing and that she let him get anywhere near her." [CDaN] 8) "This divorce is getting nasty. Seems that this A list entertainer is a little upset at some of the things his soon to be ex-wife has been saying about him to the press. So, what has he done? Well, honestly, no one knows for sure it is him, but someone has been leaving various pieces of road kill on the front porch of her home and scattered around the yard as well. Seems his wife is a huge animal lover and so this has obviously been having a huge effect on her." [CDaN] 9) "This B list actor/actress couple has been rumored to have called it quits. They have denied it. She has actually been in this space before because of a special international friend she has. Well the couple had come to an understanding about that as long as she was honest about where she was and who she was with. Well, next time she calls home she may want to step away from the guy making boarding announcements at the airport, especially if he is announcing a destination completely different from the place you told your husband you were going to be." [CDaN]

Which Action Star Is Gay When In Europe?

Richard Lawson · 09/19/08 08:48AM

From yesterday's blind items, you guys seemed to think that the rehabbed star who relapsed and returned to sweet sweet booze was Kirsten Dunst. Makes sense to me. Today we have a socialite doing heroin, a comedian whose wife is sleeping with the neighbor, a secretly gay action hero, and an unhappy star who fired her stylist. 1) "Which famous socialite was caught by a girlband member doing heroin? The pop singer couldn't believe her eyes and quickly scurried away to tell her pals." [Mirror] 2) "Which A list comic funny man film star needs to keep a closer eye on his wife? Seems that she has taken a very keen interest in the agent who lives next door. Every time his wife leaves town and our funnyman leaves town, these two never spend a second apart." [CDaN] 3) "This tough guy actor loves playing a hero. His successful movies are violent and loaded with explosive action. He's always been a macho bruiser so romantic scenes are scarce and that's fine with him. He dates pretty women when he's in the US, but he prefers to make movies that film in Europe. That's because he feels he has more privacy there. He can do what he wants without being observed and what he wants to do is go to gay bars and pick up men. His girlfriends back in the US wish he'd commit, but he's far too interested in male companionship." [BlindGossip] 4) "Which celebrity fired her stylist after a screaming match? She was furious that all her money had failed to land her a place on even a second-tier Best Dressed List. She called the stylist and let loose a string of obscenities. The stylist then made a comment about how the clothes would have looked better if the client hadn't gained a few pounds. The client then fired her on the spot." [BlindGossip]

Which Rehabbed Star Is Back With the Drink?

Richard Lawson · 09/18/08 08:52AM

Who the heck knows, really, about any of this stuff, but you guys made some guesses yesterday about the actress who was almost too hairy and you seemed to think it might be Penelope Cruz. A theory I enjoy. Today we have a movie star couple, sex in a limo, a ranting emailer, a potential "cutter," and a relapsed star. 1) "What film brother/sister duo in an upcoming blockbuster film are having to keep their relationship secret because of fears that the general public will not make the distinction between film and real life?" [CDaN] 2) "I don't know if this B+/A- heart throb actor is dating this B- list film actress with A+ name recognition, but it didn't stop them from having sex in a limo on the way to a film. Just wondering if the driver got photos." [CDaN] 3) "Which correspondent will be fired for sending out an email rant about his colleague? He wrote that economically-challenged viewers want to "barf" when they hear the show's anchor complain on air about her obscenely-priced red carpet gowns. Since he was already demoted after his last outburst, this time it's the ax." [BlindGossip] 4) "Which celebrity showed up at a party looking gorgeous in an arm-baring outfit that showed off more than her tan? Friends were horrified to also see a series of red vertical cuts from her wrist to her elbow. The celeb claimed that her cat scratched her. Repeatedly. In that one specific area. That must be one angry cat." [BlindGossip] 5) "Which rehabbed star is back to bar hopping? She has been going out nearly every night since her homecoming, almost always to a bar. Paranoid about being spotted by paparazzi, she has exited just in time on several occasions so there is no photographic evidence yet. However, she does worry that before long her activities might be picked up by a blogger. Too late!" [BlindGossip]

Which Actress Was Almost Too Hairy to Work?

Richard Lawson · 09/17/08 08:55AM

Yesterday you guys were pretty scattered on the identity of the actor who gave his daughter cocaine, but you seemed pretty sure that the preening secret diva gangsta rapper was either 50 Cent or, well, all of them. Today we have a kinky TV star, an actor who went sorta crazy at a car wash, a too-hairy actress, and a vengeful actor who ruined some small businesses out of spite. 1) "Which TV star is on the verge of being dumped by his hot girlfriend? The unlucky-in-love presenter's bedtime demands are just too kinky for this girl next door." [Mirror] 2) "I guess this actor would be considered A list because he does have a franchise. I would call him more B+ list. He is not married currently. He has really begun to change from the funny, sweet guy he was always portrayed in the media to be. Lately though he has snapped at people quite frequently. A couple of weeks ago there was a prime example of this. Our actor took his car to be washed. Well, at this particular car wash, the attendants vacuum and do other things prior to the car going through the wash. Most patrons just go inside and wait. Not our actor who stayed with them every second and made them do everything three or sometimes four times. The lines of cars backed up because of the actor was about 20 deep. After he was satisfied, they moved the car into the wash. The actor went inside to watch through the viewing window. That lasted as long as it took for the car to actually go through the jets of water. After that, the actor went inside the washing area and made sure the attendants got every spot washed and wiped and clean. What should have been ten minutes turned into 30, all because this actor was out of control. Finally, someone in management noticed the line of cars and ordered the actor out of the area. When he refused, they moved his car out, and told him to leave and never come back." [CDaN] 3) "Which gorgeous actress almost lost a plum role recently because of her hair? And we're not talking about the hair on the top of her head. In the weeks leading up to production, she stopped shaving her underarms, legs and nether regions, claiming that it helped her get into character. She then refused to shave for the duration of the shoot. A frustrated director and frantic wardrobe team found themselves scrambling to provide new outfits to cover all her hairy bits." [BlindGossip] 4) "Which actor is thought to have played a part in the damage of some small businesses? It seems that he asked the local businesses to close down one evening to accommodate traffic and security for his private party. The businesses declined. The day after the party, the businesses showed up to find that their sewage systems had all mysteriously malfunctioned for the first time ever, forcing all of them to close while the stinky mess was cleaned up. The business owners don't think it was a coincidence." [BlindGossip]

Which Actor Gave Cocaine To His Young Daughter?

Richard Lawson · 09/16/08 09:05AM

Yesterday you guys didn't seem too sure who the pants-soiling socialite was, but one guess was Elle's Anne Slowey which, hah, is funny. Today we have a secret diva "gangsta rapper," an Indian-giving (no offense!) actor, a dad and his daughter doin' blow, and some sort of couuugar. 1) "Which supposedly hard as nails gangsta rapper is actually a pampered and preened diva at heart? His big minder is with him constantly and runs the star a daily bubble bath and massages his shoulders." [Mirror] 2) "Which a-list actor yanked $180,000 he promised for an African child's surgery?" [Defamer] 3) "Hey, LA is a coke town. Everyone knows it. It is what it is. So, when a C list actor does a little coke in front of everyone it really is no big deal. Sure, we prefer you to go off in a corner, not for privacy, but because the rest of us don't have any. What you don't normally see is the C list actor sharing it with his underage daughter in front of everyone. I say underage, but coke is always illegal, so the whole underage refers to the fact, well she is underage. Will freak you the hell out. Not that a guy sharing coke with his daughter wouldn't freak you out on a stand alone basis." [CDaN] 4) "Which model slash actress just ditched her rich and famous long-time boyfriend for a much younger man? She had been living with Beau #1 at his big house for the last couple of years, and had spoken very publicly about her desire to marry him. However, after a steamy affair with Beau #2, she hastily packed up her bags and left. While she is sure that the magic will last, her friends are afraid that reality will set in as soon as she realizes that she just sabotaged her career." [BlindGossip]

Which A-List Actor Yanked $180,000 He Promised For An African Child's Surgery?

STV · 09/15/08 02:45PM

We don't generally turn to inspirational humanitarian news for our gossip, but that's where we found sort of an accidental blind item hiding in plain sight over the weekend. According to the OC Register, a 17-year-old Zimbabwean boy named Beloved traveled to the States last year for reconstructive surgery on his face; he had been disfigured in a land-mine explosion when he was 10. The cost: $180,000, which a charity administrator named Jennifer Trubenbach had reportedly wrangled from a "movie star, whose face is a common sight in celebrity magazines." And why won't she name him? Because the next thing she knew, the star yanked the cash:

Which Socialite Soiled Herself at Fashion Week?

Richard Lawson · 09/15/08 08:46AM

Welcome back from the icky sticky humid weekend. Today will not be any better, especially now that everyone's finances are in ruin. To brighten your spirits, though, we have blind items about a pants-soiling socialite, a binge eating TV personality, a not so hard working TV actress, and a sorta-celebrity who tries to drop daddy's name to get what she wants. 1) "Which socialite fashionista had to have her boyfriend's assistant bring her a change of clothes at the Bryant Park tents this week after soiling her skivvies?" [NYDN] 2) "Which skinny TV presenter is failing to hide her increasingly apparent eating disorder? During a recent work lunch, she went up to the buffet five times - only to disappear to the loos, minutes after each course." [Mirror] 3) "Former B- and now a solid C lister. Primarily television. Oh, definite B+ name recognition. She was on big, big network shows. Hit network shows. Anyway, she was asked to do an opening for a new fashion line. The company thought she would be a good fit. The only thing she cared about was the paycheck. Scheduled to be there an hour, she stayed 5 minutes, and left." [CDaN] 4) "It's one thing to play the 'do you know who I am' game if you are actually someone. What really sucks is when the person playing it has to resort to, 'do you know who my father is?' The person in question is actually an actress, although C-. The last name doesn't hurt, or else she would be D. Apparently she wasn't satisfied with just one $1000 bag worth of swag and decided she was going to take 10 and give them away as Christmas presents. She was rebuffed, threw the dad thing out there, and the worker after discovering the identity of the dad, said, 'I wouldn't give him ten bags either.'" [CDaN] 5) "This former B+ list actor from an acting family (not the Baldwins) who was once on a hit show. Sounds like he is old, but not even aging. Anyway, while his girlfriend (model, sometime actress, also a famous family) was backstage at a show, he spent the time working the front of the show collecting phone numbers. When he was asked by one woman about his girlfriend and he said they had an open relationship. So, when the girlfriend came out to the front, she was asked about the open relationship. The girlfriend said, "it is now," and then walked out of the show." [CDaN]

Which Singer/Actress Is Secretly In Rehab?

Richard Lawson · 09/12/08 08:43AM

From yesterday: Your vote for the English coke fiend was none other than Queen Elizabeth! And who got a blowjob backstage at Fashion Week in exchange for drugs? Y'all were mostly unsure, but one person suggested Mr. John Mayer. Today we have a star who loves threesomes and has an "ample tackle," and a singer/actress who is secretly in rehab. 1) "Which star likes to indulge in threesomes with women he has just met? The cheeky fella in question chats them up by bragging about his ample tackle." [Mirror] 2) "One of the more noticeable absences from Fashion Week is this former B list pop singer and now sometimes actress who used to be a mainstay at fashion shows around the world. Seems she has been missing, not because of money issues, but because she has been spending time in rehab. Yes, someone you never thought would be in rehab." [CDaN]

Which Singer Received Oral Sex In Exchange For Coke While Backstage At Fashion Week?

Richard Lawson · 09/11/08 08:41AM

Yesterday we asked you about a music mogul who treats his wife like a servant. Most of you seemed to think it was rapper Jay-Z and his leonine wife Beyonce. I say that makes sense. Today we have two stories of cocaine (and sadness), and something about a soap actor. 1) "Which British celeb fled a high-society party after spotting policemen and fearing they were after her coke stash?" [Mirror] 2) "ABC soap. Youngish, but a real soap veteran. Married, but not for forever. But, since he has been married he has been with at least 5 women who are either regulars on the show or extras. Oh, and one of the makeup women as well. Oh, and the 2 women from his old show." [CDaN] 3) "This always causing trouble A list singer was all over fashion week. He was also all over a model at one of the shows. Not wanting to waste more time with her than necessary, he tempted her with a little white powder, went behind a curtain in the backstage area, and allowed her to get her fill. Then he had her do something else for him if you know what I mean. When she was done, he gave her the rest of the little baggie." [CDaN]

Which Music Mogul Treats His Wife Like a Servant?

Richard Lawson · 09/10/08 09:41AM

From yesterday's gambling, fake pregnancy-having roundup you guys seemed to think that the celeb with the betting problem was either Nic Cage or Ben Affleck and a few of you suggested that the twin faking pregnancy to get attention might be either Tia or Tamera Mowry. To which I say: ha! Up on the line today are a music mogul who is treats his wife "like a servant," a real estate broker telling lies about his past, an actress who got extremely coked up for Fashion Week, and a Hamptons hot spot owner who is having an affair. 1) "Which elderly co-owner of a Hamptons hot spot has the locals buzzing because he's having an affair with the very tall, thin, blond wife of a famous songwriter? The melodious husband knows about it and isn't happy." [P6] 2) "Which music mogul treats his superstar wife like she's a servant? But she doesn't mind. 'She's Southern and thinks men should be the boss,' laughs one friend." [P6] 3) "Which veteran real estate broker flabbergasted old friends by claiming in an interview he graduated from a prestigious European prep school? 'I've known him for 30 years,' says one pal. 'He's from The Bronx.'" [P6] 4) "Apparently working out is not the only way this former A lister has for losing weight. During a Fashion Week event in the past two days, our actress, on her own for the first time in awhile decided to prove that she can snort more coke than even Elton John. Whatever was placed in front of her, she hoovered right up. She is not much for sharing though. When someone tried to bend over for a little bit, she told them to find their own." [CDaN]

Which Famous Twin Is Faking a Pregnancy For Attention?

Richard Lawson · 09/09/08 08:55AM

Yesterday we wrote about a wicked politician who uses his political power to try and bed actresses. Many of you ruled out Obama, saying he could do better than the "just one" that the item mentioned. So you moved on to other Dems, specifically Joe Biden and Bill Richardson. I still think it's Dukakis. Anyhooo, today we have a horny, dressing room-sex-having celebrity, a movie star who gambles away millions, and a "famous twin" who's faking a pregnancy. 1) "Which randy celeb turfed his publicists out of his dressing room - as they were eating their lunch - so he could have sex with a girl he'd picked up?" [Mirror] 2) "This one is from the accountant. Turns out, this A list movie star is bad at something else besides fixing his hair. Last year, he managed to lose almost $7 million playing poker. No wonder he wants to make another installment of his franchise." [CDaN] 3) "This famous twin is doing whatever she can to start pregnancy speculation just to get some positive publicity. She's gone so far as to make sure that others know she can't drink or smoke, especially in public, and taking to wear even more hideous and baggy clothing than usual." [

Which Politician Uses His Clout to Sleep With Actresses?

Richard Lawson · 09/08/08 08:42AM

Proving that these Blind Item Roundups need not always deal with frivolous Hollywood antics, today we have a juicy (and important) item about a politician. Yes, politics! I mean, it's about how said politician uses his status to sleep with actresses, but still. And, you know, we also have stories about a drunk musician, a benevolent comedian, and a closeted lesbian. So, enjoy. 1) "Which A-lister got so trashed prior to Fashion Rocks, she could barely walk in a straight line down the red carpet and had to be eased into her seat? Organisers also located an emergency sick bag in case she vomited." [< a href="">Mirror] 2) "To show that not all men behave badly, I thought I would share this little kindness about a B- list comic film actor with a franchise which you would think would make him A list under the rules, but, then you would all laugh. So, anyway, our actor when he goes to dinner parties at restaurants or even at the houses of friends, has all the doggie bags given to him, and passes them all out to homeless people he sees on the way home. In addition to that, he will also raid the dinner parties for extra food and bring it to homeless shelters to serve." [CDaN] 3) "This national political candidate and current politician isn't shy about using his new power to get what he wants, and what he wants are some actresses to be his special contributor. Whenever he speaks at a fundraiser, he takes the opportunity to hit on as many actresses as he can. So far, only one has taken him up on his offer. After a recent cocktail event, he left, and she followed about an hour later. Who is she? Wow. C+ list films, but with some A list name recognition due to her body. Not the sharpest tool in the shed because she really is doing it because she thinks it is a good way to support the candidate" [CDaN] 4) "This closet lesbian B+ list lead actress on a hit network drama almost let the cat out of the bag so to speak. She had a little too much to drink and was finding the woman she was talking to attractive. She thought the other woman also played for the same team and so started flirting fairly aggressively. The woman however was straight, and also was rather loud about her shock in discovering our actress was a lesbian to the point where people noticed." [CDaN]

Which Actor Obsessively Weighs His Girlfriends?

Richard Lawson · 09/05/08 09:33AM

Yesterday we posted about a porn person who doubles as a drug dealer, and you guys seemed to go where I was thinking: Girls Gone Wild impresario Joe Francis. So yay/sob for that! Today we have a long story from our good friend at Crazy Days and Nights about someone named AP and her run in with a woman whose life is viciously controlled by a formerly huuuge television star. Read the saga after the jump. "It has been too long since we have heard from AP. Hell, it has been too long since I have heard from AP. But, she called me last night and told me about something she saw over the weekend. I personally hate this kind of thing, and I do want you to know that AP had a long talk with this woman and told her to call anytime day or night. AP was working out, and she noticed this really attractive woman who was working out and crying at the same time. Not crying because it hurt or anything, but real tears. So, AP asked if there was anything wrong. Well, it turns out that the woman is dating a married former A list television actor. When I say A list, I mean he was A+ list. Aging. Not too old. Very famous relationships. Not doing much now. Well this actor is an a-hole but this woman is in love with him and he has her convinced that he is going to leave his wife, and yada, yada, yada. Now, this guy used to be really good looking, but now, not so much. Anyway, each morning he has the woman weigh herself and send him a video of her weighing herself. She has to send him photos everyday of how she looks and what she is wearing. If she doesn't weigh what she is supposed to or doesn't look acceptable he yells at her and screams at her and basically treats her like crap. When AP spoke with her, the woman actually used words and phrases like "he doesn't like it" and "he demands perfection." AP just knows the guy and knows he yells and screams a lot so is assuming he berates her just like he has berated everyone he has ever been with. The ting is, he only sees this woman once or twice a week, but he still demands perfection everyday. Plus, she has to let him know exactly where she is going and with whom and she just does it all without question. The morning in question that AP saw her, the woman was two pounds over her ideal weight and so was trying desperately to work it off because our actor had threatened to not see her that night unless she did, and there were plenty of other women he could be seeing if she could not do it. The thing is, he has this woman so messed up in the head that she barely knows herself anymore. AP was almost crying when she shared this, and AP never cries. Ever." [CDaN]

Which Porn Personality Is Also Dealing Drugs?

Richard Lawson · 09/04/08 08:46AM

Y'all were pretty scattered when posed with the question of yesterday's secret sex recorder, but one of you did make an impassioned plea to ban all non-academic, non-filthy uses of the word "cum," and I am totally with you on that. Anyway, after the jump we have a self-conscious coke sniffer and porn person who is also dealing drugs. Maybe to the self-conscious girl! 1) "Which naughty celeb asked to check a female fan's photograph to make sure she had wiped the Columbian marching powder from his nose?" [Mirror] 2) "You can add drug dealer to the list of accomplishments of this "porn" celebutard. Apparently though, he makes even celebrities pay for it much to the chagrin of this allegedly clean, home team B- film and television actress who spent much of Friday night trying to convince our tard that she was good for the money, and was even willing to play for the other team on film if he could see his way into giving her some. They weren't seen leaving together, so apparently he wasn't interested. Unlike him, but possible. Would be a big money maker." [CDaN]

Which Editor Does this "Horribly Awkward Sexual Experience" Belong To?

Sheila · 09/03/08 03:51PM

Uh oh! Looks like it's time for another blind-item guessing game. Glamour's "Smitten" blog has a new "series of real women’s stories about their awkward sexual experiences." Um, sounds like a great book proposal for a new anthology! (Note to self: has this been done yet? Call agent.) Today, we learn about a "horribly awkward sexual experience" from a "hilarious 29-year-old editor in New York." So, uh, what happened? And more importantly, who is it?

Who Secretly Records His Sexual Trysts?

Richard Lawson · 09/03/08 08:59AM

Yesterday we speculated about a plastic surgery-addicted morning show host with a powerful husband, but most of you steered clear of guessing on that item. Has this powerful husband threatened you in any way? We still think it might be Julie Chen, but again, she doesn't exactly look "porcine" to us. Ah well. Today we have a hip-hop mogul who secretly records his sexual liaisons, a restaurateur cum rich guy-pretty lady yenta, and an abusive gay guy. 1) "Which hip-hop mogul had a hidden video camera installed in a light fixture in his bedroom? He likes to record his sessions with unsuspecting ladies for future replays." [P6] 2) "Which high-profile restaurateur has been introducing top models and ex-beauty queens to billionaire playboys? The wealthy bachelors will get a chance to express their gratitude when the restaurateur asks them to invest in his business." [P6] 3) "Which closeted actor who once dated an actress 'beat the hell out of her,' according to her friend?" [P6] 4) "Which celeb pair snuck off to the toilets during the GQ awards do for a cheeky shag?" [Mirror] 5) [Ed. note: Just give this one a shot, I guess...] "It has been about six months give or a take a month or two that I had a blind which talked about a marriage that had ended almost as soon as it began. It involved a female lead from a hit network drama. So, I'm sure one of you mater sleuths will find the item. Anyway, I always was under the impression that they broke up because he is a loser, and she finally caught on to that fact. Well, he is a loser, but what he managed to do in the very short time they were together is burn through almost every dollar she has earned for the last three years and her earnings for the foreseeable future. Turns out that besides his horrendous business sense, that he is also a huge gambler and was signing marker after marker in Vegas based solely on his wife's income. Our actress has so little money right now that the only way she can afford to drive a car is because the dealer is giving her one for free for promotional purposes and her agent bought her another." [CDaN]

Which Morning Show Host Has a Bad Plastic Surgery Addiction?

Richard Lawson · 09/02/08 08:56AM

Plastic surgery addictions are scary, mostly because the situation gets so exponentially worse every time the habit is indulged. So it's distressing to read a blind item today about a "morning show gabber" with a "powerful husband" who is addicted to the nip, tuck, and suck. The first person who comes to mind is Julie Chen, who is married to CBS honcho Les Moonves. Though Chen doesn't exactly seem "porcine" yet. It could also be Diane Sawyer, if you consider director Mike Nichols powerful. Speculate on this and several other blind items after the jump. 1) "Which society type who's taking a walk on the lesbian side should be more careful with her extracurricular activities? She's been taping pornos with her new lover 'for fun.'" [P6] 2) "Which morning show gabber needs to get help for her plastic surgery addiction? Her latest cosmetic procedure has left her looking "perfectly porcine" - a look her powerful husband seems to love." [P6] 3) "Which reality show castoff has been dating a journalist sent out to interview him for a glossy? The pair met over the q-and-a and fell so hard they are apparently moving in together." [NYDN] 4) "Which gold-winning Olympian has been hooking up with all the male members of her team? They call it riding the train." [NYDN] 5) "Which singer has been penning emotional songs about his close female friend... unbeknown to his fiancee? Hmm, doesn't sound like the route to wedded bliss to us." [Mirror] 6) "So what do you do if you are a C list actor from film and television with B+ name list recognition. You have been through several marriages, one of them extremely high profile, and have suffered through battles with drugs and alcohol and are apparently losing them again. Why, you go on sets and badger co-stars, former co-stars and others to buy Amway or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now. Our actor specializes in victimizing people with bit parts who don't want to upset him and possibly get fired so invariably buy things." [CDaN] 7) "Some new information about one of the bigger breakups of the year. It was an A list actor and a wannabe. Apparently the A list actor found out that the wannabe had stopped taking birth control. He found this out when she told him she might be pregnant. Apparently he felt that her purposefully not taking the pill in order to get pregnant violated a rule and showed her the curb." [CDaN] 8) "This A list actor who had some serious health and emotional issues last year, but was allegedly on the straight and narrow either doesn't care or had a huge slip over the weekend. At the same party that brought us two blinds from yesterday, our actor managed to consume almost an entire bottle of vodka all by himself. Sweet and very quiet was how the spy described him." [CDaN]

Which Actress Is a Drunk, Just Like Her Daddy?

Richard Lawson · 08/29/08 09:07AM

Hey hey Friday, long weekend, yay yay. Yesterday you seemed to think that the brothel owning country singer was none other than ol' "boot up your ass" Toby Keith. Which would be funny because that guy is a massive tool, but unfortunately that's not who it is. It's Jewel. After the jump we have (again) a cokey roberts, a drunk just like her daddy, and weed smokers. DRUGS. 1) "Which supposedly clean celeb gets her pals to check up her nose for fairy dust before leaving her trailer to mix with her public?" [Mirror] 2) "Like father, like daughter? Despite being a couple of years underage for drinking, this B- list actress from a top rated network drama kept downing shot after shot after shot after shot at a party this weekend." [CDaN] 3) "At the same party, these two related celebutantes shared a few joints with their bad girl hero. Of course the bad girl hero is now about 15 years removed from her height of fame, but hey, she has another chance again starting next week. I'm trying to think if the trio have slept with any of the same people." [CDaN]

Which Country Singer Invested in Houses of Ill Repute?

Richard Lawson · 08/28/08 08:55AM

If you are bored this weekend while everyone else is away, go see Boeing Boeing on the Broadway. I saw it last night and it is really, really fun. (Mary McCormack, who knew?) Something that was probably also really really fun was the three hour sex fest enjoyed by an actor and an extra, our blind item from yesterday. Y'all were pretty divided over the identity of the fellow; some said it was Charlie Sheen, others Jeremy Piven. My favorite theory was Sam Waterston. Today we have a 70's pinup who got into an awkward situation involving gum during sex and a morally outspoken country singer who secretly has investments in several overseas brothels. 1) "Which 70s pin-up got himself into a rather sticky situation during a recent amorous encounter when his partner forgot to remove her chewing gum?" [Mirror] 2) "This A list country singer who is really outspoken and appears to be morally on the straight and narrow, has some business interests he probably hopes his fans never hear about it. Turns out that he owns about a 30% interest in a group of brothels in Amsterdam as well as in Bangkok. According to person who told me about it, the singer sees nothing wrong with it because they are legal in those countries and he says it is much better than getting free drinks at some club you own. Nice." [CDaN]