
Tom Cruise Is The Spawn Of Satan

Doree Shafrir · 06/01/07 01:58PM

Glaring Omissions reproduces tips received from readers in the last week that weren't covered on Gawker, either by accident (it happens!) or by design (it happens more often).

abalk · 06/01/07 11:17AM

That "tell-all manuscript" about her relationship with Brad Pitt that Jennifer Aniston was seen holding on the cover of Star? Actually an airbrushed art catalog! We always figured her for illiterate anyway. [Radar]

Defamer Party Report: T.R. Knight Victim Of Honor At GLAAD Awards

seth · 04/16/07 05:59PM

Once again, the Defamer Correspondent for Anti-Defamatory Awards Shows managed to infiltrate the turreted pink fortress that is the L.A. edition of the annual GLAAD media awards (who says scouring Craigslist at the last minute for dateless and desperate velvet mafioso is a fruitless endeavor?), and brings us yet another exhaustive report from the awards banquet sometimes referred to as the "the Gay Gay Superbowl." We now deliver you to his capable hands:

World Squealing Records Shattered As Jake Gyllenhaal Takes To The GLAAD Awards Stage

seth · 04/16/07 02:15PM

The L.A. edition of GLAAD's annual media awards were held Saturday night, when the anti-defamation organization with the poorly camouflaged hard-on for Hollywood can finally indulge a year's worth of celebrity reacharound fantasies, honoring the wonderful visibility-related work being done by famous Gays and Gay-Friendlies of every letter-designated caste. A round-up:
· Recovering slur victim T.R. Knight opened the ceremonies, telling the gathered crowd, "I am angry at the inequality we face every day. I hope to turn my anger into action." He then encouraged the audience to "imagine that eclair in front of you is Isaiah Washington," and instructed them to attack the pastry accordingly with their dessert forks. [AfterElton]
· Knight later responded to reporters' questions about how things have been between him and gayhabbed co-star Isaiah Washington behind the scenes at Grey's Anatomy (which, ironically, took the outstanding individual episode award), Knight evasively replied, "I just focus on doing the work. That's my job; that's what I'm paid for; and I think that's enough." [AccessHollywood] []

Decide For Yourself Just How Disappointing The Rachel-On-Monica Kiss Is

seth · 03/28/07 04:32PM

After weathering a flatly written exchange in which Aniston's lesbian character tells Cox, "This is no way to live! You don't deserve to be alone," (oh, the bitter irony), then some innuendo about past dalliances between the characters (four implied times!), and one brushed off ass-grab (easy there, lesbian tiger), we finally get the kiss: A closed mouth cutaway unlikely to moisten the panties of even the show's most incontinent viewers. Have a look, trying not to sigh too loudly over this squandered opportunity to exploit ten seasons' worth of crackling, Sapphic sexual tension.

Reviewing The Monica-On-Rachel Kiss

mark · 03/27/07 12:16PM

While Courteney Cox has previously warned hot-lesbian-action-obsessed gawkers (does the L Word not satisfy all their masturbation needs?) with no genuine interest in her series that her much-anticipated kiss with longtime Friend Jennifer Aniston will not be particularly hot, lesbian, or action-packed, we nonetheless have clung to the irrational hope that the prudish Cox was intentionally misrepresenting the moment, and that a dedicated Aniston managed to power a tongue through her co-star's tight-lipped defenses in the name of artistic truth. After today's NY Times review of the Dirt season finale, we think we're finally able to let this one go:

Pitt And Jolie Will Soon Receive Fed-Ex Tracking Number For New Vietnamese Baby; Also: How's Jen Holding Up?

mark · 03/07/07 12:06PM

The cover of the new Us Weekly might be a little misleading on the matter of the Vietnamese baby about to join the celebrated, racially and genetically balanced family of Hollywood orphan-hoarders Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: the baby isn't yet en route to their New Orleans mansion in a satin-lined toddler-crate in the cargo hold of a Federal Express jet, as there's the small matter of the Vietnamese International Infant Export Agency adoption process to be dispensed with.

Will Obama Instant Book Flop Like 'Brad & Jen'?

Emily Gould · 03/01/07 01:50PM

Hopes and Dreams: The Story of Barack Obama, an "instant-book" slapped together by a freelance writer in two weeks, will be published this week by Black Dog & Leventhal. According to the WSJ, this is an instance of a burgeoning trend: "with book sales declining, publishers increasingly are looking for quick-turnaround opportunities, hoping to tap public interest in a subject when it is hot." Oh, those desperate publishers, always looking for new ways to compensate for their tragically declining sales!

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jennifer Aniston And Courteney Cox Rekindle Faux-Lesbian Courtship Under Al Pacino's Approving Gaze

seth · 02/16/07 05:11PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in as quickly as your little fingers can type them. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Eric Clapton folding his underwear in public.

Courteney Cox Doesn't Want You To Watch Her Make Out With Jennifer Aniston For The Wrong Reasons

mark · 02/14/07 08:49PM

Demonstrating that she fundamentally misunderstands the entire purpose of stunt-casting her former Friends castmate in a role that requires some light lesbianism, Courteney Cox did her best to desensationalize the kiss she and Jennifer Aniston share on the season finale of Dirt, dumping a bucket of ice water into the laps of millions of tumescent potential viewers hoping to finally see their cherished fantasies of a little Monica-on-Rachel action realized on TV:

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Reese Witherspoon And Child Breeze Through The Getty

seth · 02/02/07 03:41PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in obsessively. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you spotted Johnny Sack, Bobby Bacala, and Uncle Junior casing the Rite-Aid at Wilshire and Doheny.

Defiant Aniston Invites Boob-Job Rumormongerers Over To Cop An Evaluative Feel

seth · 01/31/07 07:24PM

If perennially unlucky-in-love Jennifer Aniston had, hypothetically, decided her man woes could be cured by checking into the cheerily decorated offices of a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon's clinic for some freshening up, who among us wouldn't have looked discreetly away, as if to say, "Just do what you need to do. We're running out of time and famous-enough suitors." The tabloid press is guided by an entirely different moral compass, however, and when they publish indelicately titled stories of the "Jen Gets a Nose Job" and "Wow! It's Jengelina: Jen's Sexy Revenge Makeover"-variety, it's all any of us can do to hold our breaths and just pray America's Abandoned Sweetheart isn't nudged permanently off her tightrope of sanity. Talking to People, Jen was asked point blank about the latest round of plastic surgery rumors, as well as the "lesbian kiss" she supposedly shares with Courteney Cox on Dirt:

Gossip Roundup: Another Day, Another Aniston Plastic Surgery

Emily Gould · 01/24/07 12:10PM
  • Early on the morning of January 20th, Jennifer Aniston had her "deviated septum" re-redone, her publicist confirms to Us. Because when your ex-husband is fathering the children of one of the most naturally beautiful women in the world, plastic surgery is totally the best revenge. [UsWeekly]