
Tigers Roaming Free in Oklahoma

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/06/15 09:54PM

A band of wild animals are apparently on the loose, prowling through a small town in Oklahoma after they were sprung from their enclosures by a tornado that hit the exotic animal park Wednesday.

Animals Bout to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/15 04:03PM

Herbivores—animals too weak to even kill and eat another, weaker animal—may be in for an “enormous” die-off soon. I suppose this is our fault, also?

Life's Nothing More Than a Dumb Kangaroo With a Watering Can on Its Head

Andy Cush · 03/24/15 02:43PM

In this life, you flail blindly, pummeling your way from one day to the next through alternating periods of heroic effort and helpless inertia, unwilling or unable to behold the world beyond the lonely confines of your own ego. In this way, you resemble an idiot kangaroo with a watering can stuck on its head.