Today we have an old lady who wanted a bunch of young mens at her party, an NBA wife who's the Leona Helmsley of her house, and a married actor sleeping with a minor actress.
Today we have a lucky actress who got to get it in with a "geeky dreamboat," a poor girl going on a terrible eating bender, some weird thing about a TV show, and an Emmy monster.
Today we have a young starlittle who likes to smoke marijuana cigarettes with her parents (dunh dunh dunh!), a tween who got her tween dreams crushed tweenily, and an actress on a terrible crash diet.
Today we have a gay TV actor who likes to flaunt his joint at the community gym, a nasty fameball who was caught slipping a lady a roofie, and a brokenhearted actor who ended up in a bathroom threesome.
Today we have an actor who cheated at college, an Irish coke fiend, a bad celebrity spokeslady, an actor who brought a hooker to a movie premiere, a May-December romance, and an actress who's really into other women's gams.
Today we have an actor who's not very good at hitting on women, another actor who is not very good at getting movie work apparently, and a third actor who seems nice but is secretly a cheat.
Today we have a skittish bride who's also on TV, a terribly manly movie star who likes to get blowjobs... from men, and an actress who loves her smokes.
Today we have a singing celebrity who puts on lip gloss, a "magical actor" who we're assuming to be from Harry Potter who's into boys, a thing about B+/minus people and the C+ people they love, and Michael Jackson.
Today we have a secretly drunken actor, a coked-out famous guy, an actress who just about up and hit a dude, and an actress with, like, a really really bad sunburn. No joke.
Today we have a cranky author who wants Page Six to write about him more, a celebrity chef who's only skinny because she poops a lot, and a reformed drinker who's very cautious about relapsing.
Today we have a lady who ruined her hair with extensions, a comedy actor whose drug habit is taking a toll on his film work, and a nice actor couple who are facing cheatin' issues.
Today we have a cocaine-addled former crotch juggler (boy band singer), a foreign actor who likes to say a really verboten word, and a couple that's not quite as happy as we thought.
Today we have an actor with a too-big head, a riot grrl who turned her Glastonbury portapotty into a coke den, an actress with a secretly miserable marriage, and a nice one about charity and people and stuff.
Today we have an ex-politician cheating on her husband, a not-so-sober rock singer, an actress with some manner of sex principles, a snobby actress, and a girl who doesn't discriminate based on race.
Today we have just two lonely little items. One about a starlet who isn't very nice to her friends and emails their sex tapes everywhere, and another about a TV hostess with a terrible case of the divas.
Today we have a TV star whose husband has been stepping out on her, a celebrity chef who likes his food, his wiiiiiine and his women, and a young couple with an unexpected pregnancy.
Today we have an attractive young fellow who is, to the sadness of many, a terrible kisser, an actor involved in the porn film HIV outbreak, and an athlete with some gambling-related money problems.
Today we have a negligent flirty reality star, a TV actor who's doing stuff, another actor who's been weird about stuff, and a fourth person who's, y'know, weird.
Today we have a vainglorious and slightly nutty music bigwig, a radio host whose losing two prize jewels, and something about a divorcing couple who might be Jon & Kate?