Conan Cuts a Deal; Tiger in Sex Rehab?

• The messiest TV feud in years may be nearing its end. Conan O'Brien and NBC are said to be close to signing a deal that would allow Conan to walk away from The Tonight Show with $32.5 million in hand. He wouldn't be able to host a show on another network until September under terms of the agreement. And it remains unclear if he'll be able to take some of the memorable characters he created with him, like Triumph the Insult Comic Dog or the Masturbating Bear. [TMZ]
• Has Jennifer Aniston finally found love? Probably not, but she's reportedly hooking up with Gerard Butler again. After taking pictures together on the red carpet at the Golden Globes, Aniston and Butler were supposedly seen "making out" backstage and were "attached at the hip all night." [P6]
• Madonna may be looking to add to her collection of kids. According to a Brit tabloid, the 51-year-old singer wants to have a baby with her Brazilian boytoy Jesus Luz since she has "endless love in her heart for another child." [Sun]
• Tiger Woods may be staying at Pine Grove, a sex rehab facility in Mississippi, if you happen to be looking for him, or you just need the name of a place that will treat your own compulsion to sleep with hookers and waitresses. [Us]
• The reason Dennis Hopper supposedly filed for divorce from his wife of 14 years, Victoria Duffy, as he battles late-stage cancer? She's supposedly demanding more than the 25 percent of his estate he promised her, and he's divorcing Duffy to prevent her from contesting his will after he dies. [NYP]
• If the New Orleans Saints win the Super Bowl, Reggie Bush is going to propose to Kim Kardashian—or at least that's the deal they made. There's nothing quite as romantic as basing the future of your relationship on the outcome of a football game, is there? [P6]
• Britney Spears is one crafty girl. It seems she's only allowed to spend $1,500 on her credit card, according to judge. So when she goes out on shopping sprees, she uses her bodyguard's plastic to pay for the purchases. Clever, huh? [TMZ]
• Are Kate Bosworth and True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard dating? Do you care? If you do, you should absolutely click on the link that follows, so you can get all caught up on this scintillating rumor. [NYDN]
• Are Jeremy Piven and Mad Men's January Jones hooking up? If this is true, January Jones will have reached a new low, clearly. [MSNBC]
• If you're on a plane and you see the cast of MTV's Jersey Shore board the flight, just make sure you don't have sit near them. [P6]
• In other Jersey Shore news, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi says she's received an offer to do her reality show. Oh, and she also says she's interested in dating Paul Walker, so if you're listening, Paul, get in touch, please. [Us]
• Hot mess Mischa Barton was celebrating her 23rd birthday at a restaurant the other night. But the waiter neglected to bring out silverware for the cake, so Mischa and friends just dug their paws in and shoveled it into their mouths with their hands. Because they're classy like that. [P6]
• Fly girl to fry girl? The creators of Fox's Glee are trying to get Jennifer Lopez to guest star on the show as a school cafeteria lady. [People]
• Interested in a line of shoes designed Ivanka Trump? Not so much? Too bad. She's launching one anyway. [People]
• The only thing more ridiculous than the idea of Jessica Simpson and Billy Corgan dating is the thought of the two of them collaborating on a song. But that's what they're supposedly doing, and the time they've spent together "has brought out an even more mature and toned down Jessica," which is nice to hear. [Fox411]
• Jamie Hince reportedly proposed to Kate Moss over the weekend in Mustique. The story doesn't say whether or not Moss said yes, but feel free to go ahead and congratulate her until you hear otherwise. [DM]
• While Nine co-stars Fergie and Kate Hudson hung out after the Golden Globes the other night, their other costar, Nicole Kidman, stayed across the room with husband Keith Urban and "barely even said hello." Typical. [NYDN]
• Are Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell engaged? Let's hope he gets a pre-nup this time around if that's the case. [NYDN]
• Susan Sarandon and her boytoy Jonathan Bricklin are in the middle of a legal battle with their partners in the ping pong club Spin. [P6]
• Heidi Montag says she isn't addicted to plastic surgery. She's just a stickler for perfection. Please don't confuse the two, thanks. [People]
• Richard Gere may be a successful movie star, but he's not the best businessman, apparently. The B&B in Westchester that Gere owns with wife Carey Lowell is supposedly behind paying its workers and vendors. [P6]
• Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta are highly-paid CNN personalities and heroes, too, clearly. [Popeater]
• Also heroic: Sandra Bullock, who's giving $1 million help Haiti. [People]
• Did you know Kim Kardashian has a cupcake endorsement deal? Or that Mariah Carey is launching her own line of champagne? Now you do. [P6, Us]
• Johnny Depp isn't dead. He's just in France, that's all. [MSNBC]